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Comments on song from the movie Chhoti Bahen
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Nanda, Balraj Sahni Rakhi (Bhai Behan) Songs, Sad Songs
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Comments for song "Bhaiya Mere Rakhi Ke Bandhan Ko Nibhana (Sad Version)"
meamy81 on Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Everything goes to My Sister Nothing on earth can replace this relation.

SeaBreezeCenter on Saturday, October 18, 2008
A great song hearing after a long time. Thanks for uploading this sweet

cuintouch on Monday, July 27, 2009
A beautiful song !!! very moving. I love it.

jasbongy on Tuesday, August 04, 2009
1.stly, Bharat ji this videi has my two the most fav. artists.Lata ji with
Her crystal clear voice singing for my sweet ''Baby Nanda ji'' .I grew up
watching Her films in Mumbai after leaving Muscat for educations.
20************Happy ''Raksha Bandhan'' to U.Sarla.

jasbongy on Tuesday, August 04, 2009
I just sent this video to my U.Tube friend who also likes beautiful songs
of Golden Era. and told her to post her video here.If it is o. k. with her
i am sure she will do that. Thanks Sarla.

jasbongy on Tuesday, August 04, 2009
Sorry o.k. with U.then i am sure she will do that.

Bharat Desai on Tuesday, August 04, 2009
Thank you Sarla ji for yr support. bharat

Bharat Desai on Tuesday, August 04, 2009
The message of Purity not only amongst real Brothers & Sisters but between
all Souls has to be spread loud & clear and create the positive vibrations
in our own way. Thanks for yr nice comment. Bharat.

jasbongy on Tuesday, August 04, 2009
Yes i do believe in what U are saying.That is why i wrote on your profile
that ''i like your Info'' on Your Channel.Regards.

Bharat Desai on Tuesday, August 04, 2009
Thanks & Regards.

dsouza18 on Tuesday, August 04, 2009
very beautiful song on this raksha bandhan day for all our brothers . thxs
for posting it on time ( becareful of copyright . it is uploaded by
rajshri) and thanks sarla for sharing this clip . raksha bandhan kee
badayeeoun ..

Bharat Desai on Tuesday, August 04, 2009
This is for all sisters & brothers of the world, with love from India.
Thanks for your comment.. Happy Rakhi to you too.

dinaaaa17 on Wednesday, August 05, 2009
can anyone tell me where can i find the movie "rakhi ki saughand"...or its songs

Mtaimy on Thursday, August 06, 2009
i like to make a sister who tied rakhi and be my holy sister, and tell me
this film name , thanks

crazyoldsongs on Monday, November 02, 2009
evergreen rakhi song expressing the sanctity of love between a brother and
sister in a typical indian way .rendered beautifully by lata ji

Bharat Desai on Monday, November 02, 2009
Ever Ever Green Song. Absolutely Pure. Thanks.

crazyoldsongs on Saturday, November 21, 2009
it is v touching and tearful

msrm50 on Monday, June 07, 2010
My favourite SJ's another beautiful compositon. This song was such a hit
that it was all over the place during raakhi festival. A well composed well
directed song. Thanks for putting on the utube. Dr.Rajamurthy

Bharat Desai on Tuesday, June 08, 2010
Yes, I agree with you, Dr. ji. It still is as popular as before on Rakhi
week. Thanks.

Navita Jagnarine on Wednesday, March 30, 2011
My Brother Deevan,,u r the best,, come home soon, dis is my wish n my

Bharat Desai on Monday, August 08, 2011
Absolutely Divine & Sisterly Loveful Intention...Lucky Brother. Thanks &
Good Wishes for Festival.

Hari Narayanan on Saturday, March 24, 2012
all time pure and fresh ----rakhi ka bandhan ---song sung by lata ji ---a
golden divine classical singer -=--a lovely ---lively --very nice -----
song ---old is gold

Bharat Desai on Saturday, March 24, 2012
You absolutely right. Thanks.

DAMDEV KULKARNI on Wednesday, May 09, 2012
HOTI-AGale janame-siraj-haneef

Bharat Desai on Tuesday, July 24, 2012
@Chitra Khandelwal, Very divine understanding, equally well explained. Wish
all Souls of World understand the True Significance of this Bong of Purity
amongst the Children of same ONE Supreme Father. Om Shanti.

Vasantha Ramanathan on Tuesday, July 24, 2012
At the end of Kal Yuga all the values lost in Body Consciousness when the
Sl forgotten its Original Identity that I Am a Sl. Child of Supreme Soul.
Even the Pure love relationship turned into Selfishness, Expectations &
Greediness rules the Minds of the Soul At this time Param Atma Descends &
gives the Kalash of Knowledge with atmost Purity to the Kanyayein through
Brahma They showed the Purity of Raksha Bandan to the Whole World to their
Brotherly Souls by showing Atmic Smriti & Purity in Life.

Bharat Desai on Wednesday, July 25, 2012
What Bharat Khand thinks on Purity, the world takes time to understand. It
is only when Purest of Pure Supreme Soul Supreme Father ShivBaba descends
We too know what we were & how this Festival of Purity started. Om Shanti.

Bharat Desai on Wednesday, August 01, 2012
Good Wishes for Happy Raksha Bandhan. Om Shanti.

Bharat “OneWorld OneFamily OneGod” Desai on Friday, August 08, 2014
Divine Wishes for All for A Very Happy Raksha Bandhan.

Om Shanti, Divine Family.

Sundararajan Gr on Wednesday, July 15, 2015
A beautiful melody from who else but SJ?1959 was their best year

30 comments related to song Bhaiya Mere Rakhi Ke Bandhan Ko Nibhana (Sad Version) shown on 1 pages.

Film cast: Balraj Sahni, Nanda, Rehman, Shyama, Veena, Mehmood, Badri Prasad, Dhumal, Radha Kishan, Shobha Khote, Sudesh Kumar
Singer: Lata Mangeshkar, Manna Dey, Mohammed Rafi, Mukesh
Lyricist: Hasrat Jaipuri, Shailendra
Music Director: Shankarsinh Raghuwanshi, Jaikishan Dayabhai Pankal
Film Director: T L V Prasad
External Links: Chhoti Bahen at IMDB    Chhoti Bahen at Wikipedia
Watch Full Movie: Chhoti Bahen at YouTube    Chhoti Bahen at YouTube    

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