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Comments for song "Bulla Ki Jaana Mai Kaun"
iftikharqazi on Friday, October 01, 2010
@jdkbkasjfkasjv beautiful translation

jdkbkasjfkasjv on Saturday, October 02, 2010
@iftikharqazi thx!

Rashed Baig on Monday, October 11, 2010
we should make more songs like this to praise peace across border because
music is the only thing which can dissolve borders & boundries ...love india

mekhurram on Tuesday, November 09, 2010
Love Sufism

shankyk2k on Friday, November 12, 2010
God is one..believe in him/her..great message in this song...

Sabih on Saturday, November 13, 2010
@musa78692 I wonder why the mullahs banished him then..

Sabih on Saturday, November 13, 2010
@musa78692 Why did Bulleh shah was banished by the mullah then? Mulla tay
mashaalchi dohaan ikko chit, lokaan karday chananan, aap anhairae vich...

TheJackson4ever on Sunday, November 21, 2010
@ABHIST1 who said that??? du wixer.

Abhishek Sinha on Sunday, November 21, 2010
This song stirs the soul because it enrages the same age old tussle of
mankind to find who we are? Who Am I?? I KnoW nOt wHO I aM?

accidental34 on Saturday, December 04, 2010
@xoxosheefs ...worldly identity. The name Bulla is of this world, and so
not the name of the Self. The Self has no name. It simply is (exists).
Bulley Shah reveals in the last paragraph that Self alone exists. "I am the
first, I am the last. [Here the Self is speaking as I ]. None other have I
ever known. I am the wisest of them all. Bulla, do I stand alone". Hope
this helps. Of course you would understand these things even better when
you study the philosophy of the Upanishads.

musa78692 on Tuesday, December 07, 2010
@Mo00nlight Sayyidi Bulleh Shah means by "Bulla ki Jana Main Kon" that the
man who does not know himself, DOES NOT KNOW GOD [Allah the One True God]
sikhs do not believe in the One True God, they do not know the One True
God, what will these rejectors of Islam understand by the odes of Sayyidi
Bulleh Shah?

Mo00nlight on Wednesday, December 08, 2010
@musa78692 in these lines Baba Bulleh Shah means to say that there is
nothing as mine or yours. We exist with each others support so he canot
define himself as belonging to anything in particular in other words life
is universal. Bulleh ki jaana mein kaun gives us the feeling that he was a
selfless man and one line says that besides all this dont mistake me to be

McKee Simmons on Wednesday, December 08, 2010
nice song, realy

musa78692 on Wednesday, December 08, 2010
@Mo00nlight go learn from a qadiri sufi from the silsila of Sayyidi Bulleh
Shah raziAllahu anhu. Dont add your kufri perennialist ideas to his sublime
poetry. His first sentence of his kalam is the entire summary of this Deen.
You people are not of Islam, you people are of Deene Ilahi which that akbar

Mo00nlight on Wednesday, December 08, 2010
@musa78692 For all what you have written i would just like to say one
sentence that all your interpretations are wrong. You are not the only one
who Knows Baba Bulleh Shah and his poetry. Baba Bulleh Shah's poetry
teaches love, tolerance, peace and unity among human beings whereas your
words just show hatred and nothing else.

Mo00nlight on Wednesday, December 08, 2010
@musa78692 Baba Bulleh Shah says Bullah is neither Rafzi nor Sunni, nor
learned nor an intellectual nor a Jaini. I have learnt the lesson of love
of God alone. People say : Bulleh is an Infidel (Kafar) and an
idol-worshipper. But in the Lords court, both the Momin and Kafar (Believer
and un-believer) are treated alike.

Mo00nlight on Wednesday, December 08, 2010
@musa78692 well to let you know myself belong to Qadiri Tareeqa.

Mo00nlight on Wednesday, December 08, 2010
@musa78692 Sorry to say your ideas are that of an extremist and a
fundamentalist whereas Sufism rejects such ideas.

musa78692 on Wednesday, December 08, 2010
@Mo00nlight He is not your baba. May be you are talking about some other
sikh baba. Sayyidi Bulleh Shah, being a Scholar of Shariah, calling people
to Sharia, was condemned by power hungry political people, who were
accusing him. Are you a sufi? because a sufi can never be a sufi if he does
not follow the Shariat and the Sunnat of Habeeb Salallaho alaihi wa sallam.
You are a sikh.

PRITAM MANN on Friday, December 10, 2010
Bullay Shah was a Punjabi and practised Punjabiyat. We Punjabis have one
race and we are Punjabis. We have one religion which is Punjabiyat.

anatomykhan on Sunday, December 12, 2010
i m amazed to know a new religion is created. Good luck @littleshazzah

MRINAL813 on Thursday, December 16, 2010
He is asking to God who he is?

Kumar Thiru on Tuesday, December 21, 2010
thank you fro uploading this superb song .jet

aquosgirl on Wednesday, December 22, 2010
OMG!! such a beautiful song...i love the lines

PREDATOR925 on Thursday, December 23, 2010
people like BULLHEY SHAH beloing to everyone there were the global citizen
they were above race,color,and class-ism and their massage was also global
every word of their massage has world of its own..they wrote about humanity
, they wrote about universal issues , they wrote about larger than life
topics,and they should be celeberated universaly..

bpisbp2 on Thursday, December 23, 2010
One of the best artistic depiction of the Indian villager I have seen to
date. Amazing video and good song.

sumit pal singh on Friday, December 24, 2010
81 people dont know what music is !

sheshu k r on Thursday, December 30, 2010
@dystopialand You should go through eastern philosophy of life to
understand this.

sheshu k r on Thursday, December 30, 2010
@dystopialand you shoudl go through eastern philosophy of life to
understand this... Sometimes you will understand in a minute, for some they
dont understand in a lifetime however hard they try. :P Cheers

jhjh993 on Tuesday, January 04, 2011
listen this one..this one is awesome

Nirmit Parikh on Friday, January 21, 2011
@mirsons dude they are showing people fighting and saying like all are
same... the message is everyone is same as a human... there's a religion
but it's not for fight..

MrPunjabicanadian on Sunday, January 23, 2011
@coxis1 Its called Jatar. I knew heard about it until 5 years ago when
Rabbi Shergill came in our town (Patiala) he told the crowd abuot it. i
was in the crowd that time !! :P

Nikhil Yalamanchi on Thursday, February 03, 2011
such a meaningful song !!!

MistaULtimate on Saturday, February 05, 2011
85 people are art haters.

deekyleo on Sunday, February 06, 2011
@Mr89hero . he is a very famous punjabi poet . who is known as baba
bullay shah. so bulla is himself.. who has such gr8 poetry , must read n
listen his other stuff

MistaULtimate on Monday, February 07, 2011
@mindsoulbody maybe..lol

mindsoulbody on Monday, February 07, 2011
@MistaULtimate maybe...:P

MistaULtimate on Monday, February 07, 2011
@mindsoulbody there is another song called Balo by the same artist, check
it out

muhammad mallik on Thursday, February 24, 2011
@paganeable all i can say we are the smartest nation on earth , because we
have so many language , so many nation , poor , rich , music , education ,
IT , what we dont have , we have everything except we are broken india , we
need to be united again . we need to go back to before 1947 . no
alternative. we will do much better .

muhammad mallik on Thursday, February 24, 2011
@paganeable you wright , well said , its time to move on , get a new life ,
time to go agains the time , we should go back to before 1947 with a mature
mentality where we can walk side by side , which we did in the past , we
can have opinion thats why it makes us democratic , we do not want to be
fanatic , we can show the world yes we can .

Ramit Biswas on Thursday, March 03, 2011
its so petty for those who dislike this song common what happen to u guys
this one tooo good.

swim2fly2000 on Sunday, March 06, 2011
Guys please I urge you to GET OVER YOURSELVES..!! Everything doesn't have
to be a point the finger or pin the tail or blame game..!! Look at the
bigger picture that God created for us, not at the lines we drew for our

Mo00nlight on Sunday, March 13, 2011
Baba Bulleh Shah was a sufi saint from Punjab who left all worldly pursuits
in search of truth.He wanted to discover the mystery of his own
existance.He wanted to know his own real identity.One by one he denies what
he is not.He is anguish in discovering and solving the secret of
"self".However inthe end he affirms that he knows none other than God who
was the First and will be the Last.This affirmation contains the truth of
his own identity he was and has been "one" with "The Truth"(or God).

CHEEBO WEEBO on Monday, March 28, 2011
@Mo00nlight oh is THAT what a wahabi is? all this time man, when i could
have just asked you 'rolls eyes'

picsman03 on Friday, April 08, 2011
What am I? Neti Neti Neti.no this, not this, not this... Only God is
real and everything else is unreal. Who fights over something? The one who
believes He is not the same as God is also unreal., and what one fights
over is also unreal. And God has no name no form. God is pure Love. And
that's our true reality.

dipanjan d on Wednesday, May 04, 2011
this is one of the songs which define indian musical genres.

D. Brar on Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Dear Rabi is one of the greatest and true Artist on the Earth. All his
videos are very well directed. very unique.

zemalify on Sunday, May 15, 2011
infect Bulleh shah want to tell his followers that it is important to know
urself first. Because its for sure if u dont know ur self u i ll not be
able to know and recognize ur mentor "THE GREAT GOD" in the right sence. to
know ourself we must do our own accontability that what is our foremost
desire and what GOD wants us to be.

king17350 on Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Respond to this video... i have listened it 2000 times and never went bore

Daisy K. on Thursday, May 19, 2011
@Mo00nlight good job explaining!

417 comments related to song Bulla Ki Jaana Mai Kaun shown on 9 pages.

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Singer: Rabbi Shergill
Lyricist: Rabbi Shergill, Shiv Batalvi, Bulleh Shah, Baba Waris Shah, Traditional
Music Director: Rabbi Shergill

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