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Comments for song "Har Taraf Teraa Jalwa"
Avik Dasgupta on Wednesday, September 16, 2009
The woman in the video is probably Lisa Ray..she's half Indian(Bengali) and
half Polish.

gurmeetp on Sunday, September 20, 2009
Man I was shocked to see her latest pic..wow

BrommaHerman on Wednesday, November 04, 2009
This is a major song amongst "misheard lyrics". Seeing this video and hearing the old lovely lyrics put the video in a very different light...

IndianSoccerPlayer on Thursday, November 05, 2009
the girl in th video is lisa ray

gupta123245 on Sunday, January 17, 2010
This song gives energy,to show your jalwa.
I am fan of daler mahendi.

BrommaHerman on Monday, February 01, 2010
...Its rude to show your Jalwa in public, you know.

shankar248579 on Saturday, February 06, 2010
Ya i agree with You.

shankar248579 on Saturday, February 06, 2010
Jalwa means the quality u have.Jalwa means a compassion.

Rahul Bhat on Friday, March 12, 2010
@RullendeDust Jalwa here would mean Magic

CaptainInsano300 on Wednesday, May 05, 2010
Look at him rollin' in on the motorcycle like a badass! He's a pimp!!

Gone2thedogs on Monday, May 17, 2010
I had always misheard the lyrics as "Sab Taraf Mera Jalwa".

adri5008sweden on Tuesday, June 01, 2010
In Sweden they have made a parody of this song, and after lisstening to that song it's difficult to hear the words he say without thinking in the "swedish" text.
But I think this song this better.
The name of the swedish parody is "han teleporterar taliban".

hymnofashes on Friday, July 02, 2010
@adri5008sweden I'm American and even though I don't know any Swedish I
still can only hear 'Han Teleporterar Taliban.' And then I think of Captain
Jean-Luc Picard beaming Ayman al-Zawahiri aboard the starship Enterprise.

gurpreet singh on Thursday, August 26, 2010
@MAGILLAFACE669 lol ,, thats funny ...but he is some serious singer !!!!

1290Li on Saturday, September 04, 2010
Daler Mehndi is a sadist stalker.

yourdeadin on Tuesday, September 07, 2010
Wasn't this dude caught "flying pigeons" " "kabootar uda raha tha" ??

Ozzalin on Wednesday, September 15, 2010
@MisterApol No, no, no... Amazingly beautiful ladies, and then a great song :D

diljiitdosanjh on Monday, October 04, 2010
very good daler makes me very happy i remember this album it was out in 1998 was ver big hit

Vaibik on Thursday, October 07, 2010
@Ozzalin Not "ladies" - there's just one lady - Lisa Ray. And she is one of
my favourite women. Gorgeous and gracious.

juliesngh on Monday, October 18, 2010
@CaptainInsano300 hahahah

juliesngh on Monday, October 18, 2010
@shankar248579 jalwa means style, magic, quality.whats ur jalwa? lol

desertstormmovies on Sunday, October 24, 2010
@Vattengurka : Sir.. he is a sikh not taliban.. but if u wanna defeat taliban... u wud need some sikhs on ur side.. cuz they are the only race to rule them ever..

BloodifiedTV on Thursday, November 04, 2010
indian, in a go-kart, in a music video, singing at a girl, in another go-kart.


forcemajor123 on Tuesday, November 16, 2010
@desertstormmovies you shouldnt pick up on that, what vattengurka means is
that it sounds like he say's "han teleporterar taliban" in the song, which
is translated into "he's teleporting talibans in swedish". Vattengurka is
refering to a clip with this with swedish subtitles on youtube that is
fairly well known in sweden.

desertstormmovies on Wednesday, November 17, 2010
@forcemajor123 : Apologies. Thanks.

BASISTARBX375 on Sunday, November 28, 2010
ali baba teri jhanjhar tera jalwa uba buba

popozki on Saturday, December 18, 2010
@Dennemannen no this is Daler Mehndi-Har taraf tera jalwa

Jodi Strasdine on Monday, January 03, 2011
holt s%^* they have gp carts in india awesome :D

Jodi Strasdine on Sunday, February 20, 2011
so hes indian

SUNNY18KISS on Saturday, April 09, 2011
what's the name of the model????

mandeepvs on Wednesday, April 27, 2011
nice song ... model name - LISA RAY

Rubel Ryan on Saturday, May 28, 2011
she looks so beautiful

donovanstt7 on Sunday, June 26, 2011

wildboy789789 on Sunday, July 03, 2011
his beats remind me of the indian elephant from diddy kong raceing LOL

Cottleston Cottleston on Monday, July 11, 2011
3:05 "Oh yeah. I'm hittin' this."

sikhrocks on Wednesday, July 20, 2011
@Vattengurka no wonder why we call u dumb..He is sikh from INDIA.

Mrjustmean on Friday, July 29, 2011
@EsBOY54 haha seriously? if you go to punjab its full of motorcycles. one
time i saw a whole family on a motorcycle. dad, mom, daughter holding a
baby, and two sons standing on the sides bahaha

Mrjustmean on Friday, July 29, 2011
@muzammil35 true that! the reason everyones so confused is cause the
taliban dont even know what they are. theyr the governments puppets

kooperz001 on Sunday, August 14, 2011
that lady was in some indian movie...she's a great actress:)

XxSpawnmasterxX on Sunday, August 28, 2011
you know...this guy is actualy realy good stuff to listen to!

XxSpawnmasterxX on Sunday, August 28, 2011
@karthikaryan he isnt calling him taliban. he was saying it sounds like hes
saying that. c'mon what could han teleporterar possibly mean?!?!

Karthik ngc on Monday, August 29, 2011
@XxSpawnmasterxX Oh my bad, may be i jumped the gun.. thx for clarifying
though ;)

XxSpawnmasterxX on Tuesday, August 30, 2011
@karthikaryan its cool bro. i see where your comin from. i hate racial
discrimination of any kind also so all is well friend :D

Shaun Todd on Friday, October 07, 2011
@DougExiter It's Punjabi, not Hindi. But I totally agree with you
otherwise. He's awesome.

Miscellaneous Use on Monday, December 05, 2011
Hop on the potato jelly bomb - that's what I hear x)

Dhaval Thakar on Wednesday, December 07, 2011
@forcemajor123 it doesn't sounds like " Han Teleporterar Taliban" ...It
clearly sounds like "Har Taraf Teraa Jalwaa..." "Har Taraf" = everywhere ,
"Teraa" = Yours , "Jalwaa" = Magic.Find it understand it and then
comment here...!!

forcemajor123 on Tuesday, December 13, 2011
@dhavalstr oh but i assure you it does sound like "han teleporterar
taliban" to a swede. And obviously I'm not the only one thinking so.
Honestly even when i focus on what he's singing I think it sounds like it
(although with an accent). I dont get why you would bother commenting a one
year old comment in which i was only trying to straight out a
missunderstanding. If your honestly mad about this I dont get how you get
by on the internet. Nice of you to translate though :)

TengenMachine on Thursday, March 22, 2012
It's Super Daler Mehndi Kart and Princess random Indian Girl!

zaza haj on Monday, October 15, 2012
This daler mehendi beautiful song

kush278 on Sunday, October 21, 2012
Its Lisa Ray

52 comments related to song Har Taraf Teraa Jalwa shown on 2 pages.

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Singer: Daler Mehndi

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