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Comments for song "Mai Haseena Gazab Ki"
seemam9 on Saturday, February 28, 2009
Rekha's outfits are so wierd..She looks plump in front of the svelte Sonu

Halimali on Sunday, March 01, 2009
yeah Shatru has his own style of acting

Unknown090981999 on Friday, March 20, 2009
Omg Hali, I did not know you uploaded this xD I have been looking for this
song such a long time. I remember how beautiful this seemed to me when I
was a kid xD Still find it amazing though xD Rekha's first outfit, the pink
one, is kinda ridiculous and funny but the other two I find very pretty.
Rekha looks stunning and very femine, Sonu is gorgeous here also. Of course
added to my favs and 5 stars!

Halimali on Friday, March 20, 2009
Hey Faina, I love this movie and all the songs too. I agree with you
regarding Rekha's outfit but I remember liking them in the 80s when just
was releasd. its all matter of change of time and style, as u said Rekha
looks cool

afghanluv on Tuesday, May 12, 2009
can someone post this movie please i havent seen this movie since i was like seven and that was back in Russia now i am 18

juliankemmy on Tuesday, May 12, 2009
i love this movie.. bet my cassette is now spoilt.. been watchin it for long.. love it...

ninatrendy on Friday, June 05, 2009
verry nice.. i saw this lovely movie whene i was kid :-(

Polka Dot on Saturday, June 13, 2009
lol @ rekhas hair, i loved this film when i was child tho :)

AcrobaticSpunk on Saturday, July 25, 2009
There should be a new version of this song with Aishwarya Rai vs. Rani Mukherji.

Polka Dot on Saturday, July 25, 2009
rani isnt pretty or talented enough, madhuri dixit would be more suited or
newcomer deepika padukone lol

dee12bee on Wednesday, August 05, 2009
lolss rekha looks like housewife gone badly modern and sonu wali is stunning her make up and dresses are almosr up to date hee hee hee

HouseOnSunset on Saturday, September 12, 2009
It's actually a copy of the mini-series that came BEFORE the soap opera.

Lousi Lou on Tuesday, October 20, 2009
i love this movie i have seen it more than 50 times, many more...!!!!xaxaxa

mahimaanand on Monday, October 26, 2009
i guess people who like Sonu Walia better have missed the point of the
song, this song was made to assert that in addition to having a beautiful
exterior, one also needs to have a good character and a beautiful heart,
otherwise the external beauty is totally pointless and useless. Rekha's
stylist wasn't entirely right in all parts of the song, but the end
sequence with Rekha in the black outfit obviously clearly shows her so much
more glamorous and haute than Sonu in that hideous yellow dress!

betinhaz on Friday, November 13, 2009
Ola lousirock eu chamo-me ricardo e gostva de te perguntar se tens este filme Khoon bhari Maang em dvd??!

se tiveres eu agradecia que me deixasses uma mensagem


sabbirsa on Wednesday, December 02, 2009
Rekha's costumes are crazy and weird. But she sures carries them off extremely well.

sabbirsa on Wednesday, December 02, 2009
On the other hand only Rekha has the talent to win BEST ACTRESS FILMFARE while sonu walia has none of that.

sabbirsa on Wednesday, December 02, 2009
Really because just to let you know she won the prestigious Filmfare Award for Best Actress for this movie. I don't think she was desperate. When you have a performer like Rekha giving a powerful performance like this the rest you ignore.

Raul Pan on Saturday, January 02, 2010
Its funny that elegance was not the order of the day in the eighties...
ridiculous outfits which rekha is wearing in this song were appreciated
than the elegant ones sonu walia is wearing here ... As a child I liked
rekha in this.. now when i see the outfits and styling.. i realise how much
better and elegant sonu walia looked here .. she totally eats rekha!

Raul Pan on Saturday, January 02, 2010
Hali - as much as you have a good sense of assessment in actresses... quote
Sridevi... I am sorry but I cannot agree on Rekha... Be it the eighties ,
nineties or BC OR AD If rekha ever went out wiht those ATROCITIES of an
outfit . people would die laughing at her! I dont like Sonu Wali - a
complete non actress.. but definitely goodlooking compared to Rekha ! Rekha
luks like an aunty when they stand together !

Raul Pan on Saturday, January 02, 2010
BTW. How did Rekha win the contest??? By singing Dil bhi Haseen chahiye
oh jaane jaana . on the RAMP ????? and people suddenly clapping /???

anuj41280 on Sunday, January 31, 2010
btw sonu walia won d filmfare best supporting actress4 dis film too...

sabbirsa on Sunday, January 31, 2010
Yes but only Rekha has the talent to win Best Actress.

anuj41280 on Monday, February 01, 2010
ya buddy no doubt abt dt...i only thought of informin abt miss walia winnin d award..no offense meant

sabbirsa on Tuesday, February 02, 2010
No offense taken buddy. And thank you for the info. I did not know that.

tarkasha1 on Tuesday, March 02, 2010
обожаю этот фильм. и песни с этого фильма обожаю!!!!

Sonia Kaur on Saturday, March 13, 2010
rekha ji is beauty as it is she deosnt any costume to make her beautiful..

kasachstanbaby95 on Saturday, March 20, 2010
I love this Movie rekha is soo beauty <3

Varun Mehta on Saturday, March 20, 2010
i think u should calm down...this is just a movie..besides characters are
competing not the actors..if u have seen the movie, the reason why nandini
gets lost by aarti becoz the sponsors are not ready to promote her
anymore..they are bored of taking her pics again and again..they need a
striking face .tht should fit the bill now...and here arti hits the hammer
on the nail with a fresh face..well FOR an example...U can watch the new
film FASHION also...similar thing was portrayed there as well...

hemostwanted on Saturday, May 01, 2010
Rekha is a great actress BUTTT in this song Sonu Walia looks stunning, way better than Rekha, her outfits are plain funny haha.

Superasiana1984 on Thursday, June 03, 2010
great song. rekha looks stunning in that black and gold dress

147joana on Monday, August 09, 2010
@Unknown090981999 hi, u know how can i download it?? i dont find it, and i
really wanted... if u know please tell me okay? thanks

147joana on Monday, August 09, 2010
@Unknown090981999 hi, u know how can i download it?? i dont find it, if u
know please tell me okay? thanks

khed82 on Wednesday, October 06, 2010
i actually like Rekha's outfits, coz it has a certain uniqueness to the design of it. i think the more outrageous the outfit the better. Rekha's outfits are back in fashion, even the shoulder paded outfits are worn by famous celebrities nowadays - lady gaga, rihanna, cheryl cole to name a few!

natalia akhi on Wednesday, December 01, 2010
готова смотреть и плакать)))) ностальгия!))

Lousi Lou on Sunday, December 19, 2010
i used to watch this film every day when i was little. so many memories
thank you so much!

mansnoorilyas on Wednesday, December 29, 2010
i have always loved this song since my child hood
rekha has done a super job in this movie but this song was her loss. she wore the inspirations from the zoo lietrally. rekha has never been v good on western looks.remember how badly she lost in janbaz for the item song pyar do pyar lo whereas sri devi will always be remembered for hur kisi ko nahi milta.
sonu walia was better and she even danced better.

kasachstanbaby95 on Sunday, March 13, 2011
The Black Dress from Rekha is soo woooooow *-----*
I Love this Movie :)

Old BUT Gold <333333333333

Jinnxer on Thursday, April 14, 2011
Love Asha Bhosle and Rekha's performance in this song!!!! Even still to this day, no one does it like Rekha :D

Calidesidiva on Saturday, July 02, 2011
I love Rekha and I've seen her look AMAZING in Western clothes (for photo shoots and stuff). That said, these outfits aren't that good. The costume designer for this movie must have been crazy. LOL, then again it WAS the 80s...

TheMRSOUL78 on Saturday, July 16, 2011
Outfit 1 goes to Sonu Outfit 2 goes to Rekha Outfit 3 goes to Rekha Its 2-1
and Rekha wins.

Jahangir Hussain on Monday, September 19, 2011
In this song, I think Sonu Walia looks more attractive than Rekha

Jahangir Hussain on Friday, December 02, 2011
in this song, Sonu Walia looked more beautiful than Rekha. I always wonder
why sonu lost that competition to Rekha

Gviv82 on Monday, January 30, 2012
Bollywood Vogue brought me here...crash course on 80's Bollywood
fashion. I love a lot of the looks in the 80's, love how they were wild and
crazy and still accepted. But then again I'm in love with the 80's.

Mansoor Ilyas on Tuesday, January 31, 2012
i love this movie but honestly sono walia is actually looking so better
rekha has often failed in western like in janbaz she lost it totally to sri

jhufpv6969 on Friday, February 10, 2012

Naira7911 on Tuesday, April 17, 2012

dana kurgan on Saturday, April 21, 2012
Один из моих любимых фильмов!!!

Ada Bezanidou on Thursday, June 21, 2012
моя любимая индийская песня .мой любимый индийский фильм

Anna Gabrielyan on Sunday, July 08, 2012
A kto znayet perevod pesni, o chem ona

72 comments related to song Mai Haseena Gazab Ki shown on 2 pages.

Page:     1   2  

Film cast: Kabir Bedi, Rekha, Shatrughan Sinha, Sonu Walia, Kader Khan, Rakesh Roshan, Saeed Jaffrey, Shobha Khote, A K Hangal, Sulochana, Tom Alter, Sulbha Deshpande, Satyajit Puri, Jairaj, Vikas Anand, Mangal Dhillon
Singer: Asha Bhosle, Sadhna Sargam, Nitin Mukesh, Sonali Bhatawdekar
Lyricist: Indeevar
Music Director: Rajesh Roshan
Film Director: Harish Khalri, Inayat, Rakesh Roshan
Film Producer: Rakesh Roshan
External Links: Khoon Bhari Maang at IMDB    Khoon Bhari Maang at Wikipedia
Watch Full Movie: Khoon Bhari Maang at YouTube    Khoon Bhari Maang at YouTube    

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