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Comments for song "Mera Sundar Sapna Bit Gaya"
bombaymann on Monday, June 08, 2009
Do Bhai (1947
Director:Munshi Dil
Noor Jehan
Ramayan Tiwari
S.B. Nayampalli
Vikram Kapoor
"Mera Sundar Sapna Beet Gaya:-
Sung by Geeta Dutt
Music composed by Sachin Dev Burman
Lyrics by Raja Mehdi Ali Khan

Glow of Hope on Sunday, November 22, 2009
Great song that is immortal in the Hindi movie songs. Thanks for making
available good quality video.

TheNetRoamer on Wednesday, December 16, 2009
This song sent me down the memory lane. I have heard this song from a makhbootul hawaas person (person who lost his mind) who used to sit outside the passport office in the city of my birth; he was oblivious of his surroundings and there was so much pain and bitterness in his voice expressing love unrequited

"A mighty pain to love it is,
And 'tis a pain that pain to miss;
But of all pains, the greatest pain
It is to love, but love in vain."

Good work Jay jee 4.50/5.00

Shiv Shanker on Wednesday, December 16, 2009
"Iss jeevan ko ab aag lage" were the lines in the song when you reached in your elements... very good rendition... kindly work on your pronounciation of Hindi/Urdu words... for our sake..
Shiv Shanker

jyotijwala on Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Jayanti Ji i must tell u this is one of ur best..u just sound like geeta ji..awesome,super,fantastic..

Sanjay Sahay on Wednesday, December 16, 2009
wow jay!
man khush kar diya aapne

kuckudk on Wednesday, December 16, 2009
very nice Jatyanthi, It is as good as the original.

jasbongy on Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Very nice Jayanthi ji. You sang with so much emotions. 5*
Regards. Sarla.

vmehta8244 on Friday, December 18, 2009
I am sure youwill agree and confirm with me for Official name change to GEETA-J.
Beautiful and very touchy singing.

ragashree on Saturday, December 19, 2009
Good one Jayanthiji but messd up with the opening line's lyrics As ,Mera sunder sapana beet gaya mai prem me sab kuchh har gayee bedard zamana 'Jeet "
gaya and not "Beet gaya as u have sung.
Please correct me if i am wrong. This is not a big thing overall song is good.

japanesesen on Saturday, December 19, 2009
Wah, what a beautiful song!! You sang from your heart!! So..beautiful...I love it. :D

SeaBreezeCenter on Saturday, December 19, 2009
Superb singing. Unbeleivable. Keep it up.

Asiftabrez on Sunday, December 20, 2009
yes I Know, she is very sweet singer.
Thanks for sharing.

Pradeep Sharma on Monday, December 21, 2009
Very Well Jayanthy Ji...Lyrics Ko Maaro Goli...Ha Ha Ha

Vinayak Vaidya on Wednesday, January 20, 2010
wonderful. Have been listening to the song for decades,saw this first
time.Many Thanks.

vidhasn on Thursday, January 28, 2010
Its nice listening to another beautiful version of this great song.

mazhar khan on Friday, May 28, 2010
is it noor jahan or kamini koshal

MrSbhopale on Wednesday, August 25, 2010
i love your singing---i sounded just like geeta dutt. i like the way you say "sapna".

jabasong on Thursday, August 26, 2010
Many thanks for your huge compliment Doctor ji. I am certainly very fond of singing Geeta Dutt ji's songs and have a few more of her songs in this channel. Thanks for noticing the "sapna" :)

jabasong on Thursday, August 26, 2010
Many thanks for your huge compliment Doctor ji. I am certainly very fond of singing Geeta Dutt ji's songs and have a few more of her songs in this channel. Thanks for noticing the "sapna" :)

sunnysharma82 on Wednesday, September 08, 2010
Geeta ji was my father's favorite singer, I grew up him listening to rafi, geeta ji and s.d. , I remember listening to those songs on transistor radio/vivid bharti. It was very difficult song to perform you came very close to it, again you have very beautiful voice. Thanks for old memories.

jabasong on Wednesday, September 08, 2010
Aap mere sab gaane sune ye mera quash hai. Thanks for the beautiful comment.

kamathkiran2001 on Tuesday, April 05, 2011
Jayanthy You have brought the beautiful dulcet voice of Geetaji alive. Forget a couple of mistakes in lyrics, you have a tremendous voice. keep it up.

kamathkiran2001 on Tuesday, April 05, 2011
Jayanthy you have a tremendous voice and brought happy memories of the very versatile singer Geeta Dutt

kamathkiran2001 on Tuesday, April 05, 2011
Jayanthy you have a tremendous voice and brought happy memories of the very versatile singer Geeta Dutt. Thanks for the rendition. Keep it up.

VeeJay on Friday, April 22, 2011
Great upload. Have been listening to for a very long time, but I didn't
know the song is almost as old as I am! Thank you.

jabasong on Sunday, May 01, 2011
Thanks :). Glad you liked it :).

veeramil on Friday, August 26, 2011

Tusharbhatia20 on Tuesday, September 13, 2011
@MrTushky this song is an exact copy of a tagore song rudon bhara e

MrNashans on Friday, September 23, 2011
Lady very well tried , keep it up ,you tried a very difficult song of its time but well-done ,,,

beimpartial on Thursday, October 13, 2011
Well sung Jayanthi. Like your voice. Great!

jabasong on Saturday, October 15, 2011
Appreciate your comment. Thanks :).

drsureshdutt on Thursday, April 12, 2012
I wonder why you did not sing in films ? This voice shouls have been used for good songs.
Did you sing this song with karaoke ? If so where can we get the karaoke ?
Dr Suresh Dutt

jabasong on Sunday, April 15, 2012
Suresh ji, I wish I tried :(. Yes I sang for the karaoke track. It is available online. I can send you the track if you want.

S Qasim Hasan Zaidi on Tuesday, July 24, 2012
At 0.30 it is "jeet gaya" instead of "beet gaya" but Jayanthi ji you have most beautifully sung this marvellous number. Best wishes.

jabasong on Friday, July 27, 2012
Thanks Zaidi saab, appreciate your lovely comment. I think I rushed it a little bit n did not pay attention :(... I will have to record some of these songs again... thanks once again for your appreciation.

Shashikant Bhopale on Saturday, September 08, 2012
feels like geeta dutt come alive.Dr bhopale

Abdullah Jam on Sunday, June 30, 2013

Aruna B Upadhyaya on Thursday, December 05, 2013
great song

Javed Malik on Sunday, May 17, 2015
Geeta gee was a great singer and tis song is greatest.

40 comments related to song Mera Sundar Sapna Bit Gaya shown on 1 pages.

Singer: Mohammed Rafi, Geeta Dutt, G M Durrani, Paro Devi, K S Ragi
Lyricist: Raja Mehdi Ali Khan
Music Director: S D Burman
External Links: Do Bhai at IMDB    

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