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Comments for song "O Duniya Ke Rakhwale"
powerslavenegi on Sunday, April 26, 2009
Mohd. Raffi the greatest singer INDIA produced ever. Shakeel Badauni,Naushad and Raffi ji brought to life Baiju Bawara . The reason why these songs appeal and sooth us is because they imbody classical Indian music which was created for devotional prayers to the GODS .

Check out the Man tarpat song by Raffi ; it is actually the Raag Malkauns in Rig Veda said to be created by Goddess Parvati as a devotional prayer to Lord Shiva.

anwaremritte on Sunday, April 26, 2009
how is it u chose a freanch name"poisson de la mer'?

rahuldani14 on Friday, May 08, 2009
greatest song ever i heard they had to change the script to put it in this movie cause while Rafi was singing he started to bleed because it was such a heavy note, thats y its has that part where every1 starts saying he cant sing stop him. Supposedly that was the directors in the background. seriously touching song

rehmanjournalist on Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Muhammad Rafi's best song. Well done, Iss song pur pabandi bhi lagi thi k yeh Allah sey shikwaa hey- thx for upload n love wid uploader of dis superhit song.

Gothica247 on Friday, May 29, 2009
Great song and film, but whats with the echo ? Not Part of the original film ? Naushad Ali would not be happy ? Anyway, ty for posting /.

amipiyu on Friday, June 12, 2009
Well tried... in your own voice and style, some valuable "vocal technique"
comments from Wazif on this video.

tukai79 on Friday, July 17, 2009

Well tried, please practice higher notes more and learn breath management.

Remember this is one of the most difficult Rafi songs.

FAKIONZ on Tuesday, July 28, 2009
great song ever rafi zindabad

russel ahmed on Sunday, August 30, 2009
well tried brother and dont let criticizm affect u.look rafi is the
parameter by which other singers are measured..god was partial to him
...others can try and not match him...he is the best ...so u have
tried ur best and will continue trying .thats good because even the best
will find thye gems of rafi difficult to sing...

anandvyasorg on Friday, November 06, 2009
One cannot compare Kishore to Rafi ~ they both had much love for each other. BOTH were able to things the other was not able to do...

anandvyasorg on Friday, November 06, 2009
THIS IS GOD people... Sound ~ The Big Bang ~ "God Spoke and then there was..." ~ In EVERY RELIGION or SCIENCE SOUND PRECEDES manifestation. Cotton does not change because a different language calls in by another word ~ same with "God" or ENERGY. You guys are fighting about a persons false beliefs ~ Rafi would be sad indeed.

ccrich100 on Saturday, November 14, 2009
Yes, Indian history indicate that the whole purpose of music was to worship the Creator. Follows the purpose for which man was made, to love God. That and only that.

fivestarwarrior on Tuesday, November 24, 2009
LOL very good point Amigo!

anandsur on Monday, January 11, 2010
Undoubtedly Rafi's Greatest Song

veekayart on Wednesday, January 27, 2010
@hrishipooja : I agree with you Our wonderfull and anciant cutural heritage has provan potential to bring about tahe best in all of us regardless of the religion. Jaihind..Waseem

chakkar on Thursday, January 28, 2010
This is Rafi's greatest song ever. In the album "Aathvaan Sur", Naushad offers commentary on this song and it is insightful.

Nuashad said that Rafi-saab (or saheb) could not sing for three days after recording this song. Its composition covers a wide range of the raaga and, of course, multiple octaves. People, remember, this was recorded on one track, in one take (albeit after much practice)!

Rafi rerecorded this song two notes higher! It's part of "Aathvaan Sur".

Sanjay Malhotra on Saturday, January 30, 2010
Great job.I do give u stars for making this effort.

rehananwar56 on Thursday, February 11, 2010
rafi sabh ne rag darbari ka pura haq ada kar dia a. akare alab ne to kamal e kar dia a. naushad sab ne kia kam e husn se compose dia a. aur shakeel sab ke shairi... sub mila ka ak zabar dast gana bana. are ammr o gaya. aj b ya gana sun kar de ta a. jawab ni. wha Rafi sabh.

chiettra on Thursday, February 18, 2010
What a song!!!!!!

anandvyasorg on Sunday, March 21, 2010
@TheDiamondRafi ~ I am a professional Classical Musician ~ the Sitar and have a music degree from Julliard ~ I have a profound understanding of music like my Gandha Bandhan Guru Ustad Sultan Khan. What Kishore Kumar could do was get to the "core feeling" of a song without all the technical "Raga-Dhari" and he created something MAGICAL and unique that we have not seen since. They are both different ~ but there are MANY things that Kishore Sahib could do that Rafi could not and Vice-Versa.

anandvyasorg on Sunday, March 21, 2010
@TheDiamondRafi ~ Now Rafi is more Classically trained and Kishore is more "off the cuff" but EACH HAD DEEP RESPECT for each other and if we respect them we should respect them both as they were very good friends. Rafi Sahib had said on many occasions that his voice simply does not go with AMITHAB BACHAN like Kishore-Da's... You are being blinded by your love for Rafi and lack of musical knowledge other than Indian Classical

anandvyasorg on Sunday, March 21, 2010
@TheDiamondRafi ~ Dude calm down. This is not the way to any real peace... It starts with all of us

anandvyasorg on Sunday, March 21, 2010
God is ONE
The Universe = Uni ="one" Verse = "song"

fivestarwarrior on Monday, March 22, 2010
What? You need to revise grammar my friend...

Truly i find your comment reflects much about yourself... learn to read first, if you havent anything decent to say... dont say it, unless you can say it properly in the correct manner. Anyhow peace to you, there is no need for any pitty enjoy the song.

As for extremism your comments are actually the most extremist here. For goodness sake calm down and learn to respect, Peace to you. Friend.

nagnaman on Saturday, April 10, 2010
Music has no religion, no citizenship, no nationality, no caste, no creed, no color. It is the purest form of divinity! Music touches the heart of every living being! Music has its effect on inanimate things also.

akramsyed3 on Sunday, April 11, 2010
i will die for u Rafi Sahab.great great very great

sibtain5 on Saturday, May 22, 2010
rafi saab is rafi saab no 1..ok

anandvyasorg on Saturday, May 29, 2010
@TheDiamondRafi ~ Actually I am Akbar Incarnate. And Kishire Da and Rafi respected EACH OTHER

anandvyasorg on Saturday, May 29, 2010
You people talking about the best ~ THERE IS NO BEST IN THE ARTS

bhiiisham on Thursday, June 03, 2010
Acha gaya Sir :) I am curious, where do you get the music from? It would be
so much fun to get the music and be able to sing! Like you have done!

sunnysarvesh85 on Thursday, June 10, 2010
This song defines the indian music. No other song can ever replace this, and above all, that heavenly voice that makes this song the rythm of life.
Rafi will live with his heavenly voice for ever...

jazzybest on Monday, June 14, 2010
God given Talent - nothing comes close to this song.

xxxflywithme on Friday, July 02, 2010
Priceless! You can hear this a million times still very beautiful. Such talent of one of the greatest singers of our time. May Allah bless his soul...

Bajaury on Sunday, July 18, 2010
This song gives me goose bumps. A master piece by Naushad and Rafi. Thans a lot for posting this great song.

TheSid786 on Saturday, July 24, 2010
ohh my god unbelievable this song touched my heart and soul...i have been always listen to hard rock or modern songs..accidently saw this video this song is amazing looking forward to listen to more songs relating this...who is the singer please tell me...

shyambohra9 on Thursday, September 09, 2010
The great singer Mohammad Rafi sahab sing this song and also nice movie.
music director Naushad sahab.
these great peoples will never die.

Kmahabir on Sunday, September 26, 2010
@nagnaman Yes indeed!! Music is "UNIVERSAL"

firoz2002q8 on Tuesday, October 26, 2010

amersmasterpiece on Wednesday, October 27, 2010
iam speechless, how can anyone sing this song . It can only be done by Rafi saab.
otherwise its impossible.

amersmasterpiece on Wednesday, October 27, 2010
thesid786, for your information it is MOHD. RAFI

Becky Bex on Wednesday, January 19, 2011
awesome tribute!! not many would even attempt this so good for you that you
tried :) You voice is beautiful and i'm sure with more practice you'll only
get better.

Becky Bex on Wednesday, January 19, 2011
@ascorpio1 . english being a second language and all he/she probably
didn't catch the "tribute" part lol :)

pan1bak on Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Saw The master Rafi sing this live..always live in my memory...

786maq on Friday, February 04, 2011
Good effort but you have chosen the heardest song that anyone could sing...
theres only one singer that can pefom this song ... Rafi Saab.

ashsawhney on Saturday, February 19, 2011
This is the best song from Hindi Films. Melodious voice of Rafi Sahib lives on!!

rajivkuin on Thursday, March 17, 2011
Best of rafi... wasnt he the best of india. love this man..

beeji1 on Thursday, March 31, 2011
that means you have listen angel's song before. how can you say he sang like an angel.Angel is even nothing in front of RAFI. Rafi asked angels to listen him

kulsoompasha on Saturday, April 02, 2011

safraznabi on Wednesday, April 13, 2011
excellent rendering, well done!

Acc3ssIT on Tuesday, June 21, 2011
I heard that, when Rafi tried to sing this song under maestro Naushad,
blood was coming from his throat. I think that this song is the most
complicated song of Rafi, and also a very challenging one, because it I
don't see them perform this song in competitions.

107 comments related to song O Duniya Ke Rakhwale shown on 3 pages.

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Film cast: Bharat Bhushan, Meena Kumari, B M Vyas, Ratan Kumar, Surendra, Baby Tabassum, Kuldip Kaur, Bipin Gupta, Manmohan Krishna, Mishra, Radha Kishan, Kesari F, Rai Mohan, Bhagwan, Nadira, Ramesh, Krishan Kumari
Singer: Lata Mangeshkar, Mohammed Rafi, Shamshad Begum, Ustaad Aamir Khan
Lyricist: Shakeel Badayuni
Music Director: Naushad Ali
Film Director: Vijay Bhatt
Film Producer: Prakash Pictures
External Links: Baiju Bawra at IMDB    Baiju Bawra at Wikipedia
Watch Full Movie: Baiju Bawra at YouTube    Baiju Bawra at YouTube    

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