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Comments on song from the movie Meera
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Comments for song "Shyam Mane Chakar Rakho Ji"
SJisBack on Monday, February 22, 2010
My translation @ 2:19 was in a jest. But I agree that was not very nice.

RituPM :) FEELThePurityPeace&DepthINMusicINYourShr on Monday, February 22, 2010
In fact that totally cracked me up as I was totally in the "feel" of the
bhajan merrily singing along! lol :) Unless you got legitimate complaints.
I'd rather not be so uptight & a purist that I can't get it when one is
obviously having some fun *without* meaning any disrespect. After all the
*capacity* to relish openhearted Joy of Music with no prejudice is equal &
akin to fortunately having an openhearted Sense of Humor too! :) Am
thankful for both, & IMHO you should be too. :) 22nd Feb' 10'.

ChristianAMR on Saturday, March 13, 2010
Thanks for uploading this nice bhajan . I am however not sure about the
language because it seems to be in hindi , but the script shown in the
video looks like gujarati . ?

SJisBack on Sunday, March 14, 2010
@ChristianAMR You are right the script is Gujarati. The first line of the
song starts in Gujarati. "Mane" is a Gujarati word (perhaps Rajastani too).
Meerabi mostly wrote in Rajasthani.

ChristianAMR on Sunday, March 14, 2010
Thank you SJisBack for clarifying the details .

Dinyar Jalnawalla on Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Meera was so lost in the love and devotion to Krishna that she herself
became part of Lord Krishna.

rashmisss on Friday, June 25, 2010
if we think of the deep meaning of this song, I feel this is the ultimate feeling a devotee should have - having the mood of Lord's servant in every action of ours. :)

TheIjklm on Wednesday, June 30, 2010
actually u r not too far of the mark. it is said tht her husband, the prince, was extremely jealous of krishna. poor guy! if it was a human being, he could have challenged him, fought him, cldve had him be-headed. how does one fight faith and devotion in the divine essence?

ss1678 on Tuesday, October 19, 2010
thank you for upload so beautiful bhajans.. can u let me know where to download this from..

rashmisss on Friday, October 29, 2010
Translation for :

bhaav bhagiti jaagiri paau - I will receive the wealth of loving-devotion to you

teeno baatan sarasi - all three things will be done (darshan, sumiran, bhakti)

rashmisss on Friday, October 29, 2010
Translation for 1.54:

meera ke prabhu gahiri gambheera - Meera says that her Lord is very grave
sada raho ji dheera - therefore O heart! you always be patient
aadhi raat prabhu darshan deenhe. - at midnight lord will surely give you his vision on the banks of river of love.

SJisBack on Monday, November 01, 2010
@rashmisss Thank you Rashmi . I was way off in my translation. Thanks for
correcting me. One question, Why does Meera think her Lord is very grave?
what is the source of your corrected lyrics?

rashmisss on Monday, November 01, 2010
It was my pleasure actually. :) I cannot thank you enough for the beautiful bhajans you share with us. My source for this translation is a book on songs and poems of Meera, which also contains hindi translations. But in general also, in Bhagvat Puraan etc, lot of things about Lord Krishna are described as being grave, such as his voice, his appearance, etc. It is one of his characteristics.

SJisBack on Tuesday, November 02, 2010
@rashmisss Thanks for the explanation. I have heard Shiva described as
"Gambhira" /solemn.

maitreyi nachuri on Saturday, July 30, 2011
@TheIjklm, I think poor Meera must have been seen as a mad woman
jeopardizing her husband's 'princliness'/manliness blah blah...I always
wonder how courageous she must have been to face that weird patriarchal
society.In hind sight it is easy to recognize her spirituality but
really...for her contemporaries she must have been a rebel/mad/? woman.
Even welleducated and well to do girls of this day and age go along with
society's norms to keep up appearances. What a true feminist Meera was!

crazyoldsongs on Monday, November 14, 2011
@rashmisss thank you for the beautiful translation . i have got a very old
booklet of meera bhajans which does not have hindi translation . i can
understand the gist of the bhajans as a hindi speaker , but do not
understand some maarwari words . can you please tell me about the title and
the name of the publisher and his address as i have been looking for a book
on meera bhajans with hindi translation for quite sometime . may be it is
used as a text in courses of specialisations in hindi .

rashmisss on Monday, November 14, 2011
Actually I had borrowed that book from a library in USA, and then returned it back. Now I am staying in India, and all I can recall is that the book's name was "Prem Deewani MeeraN" . But the good news is that I had scanned most of the poems, and can email them to you if you want. Send me your email id.

Meghashyam on Friday, April 27, 2012
wonderful edit . . nice . . nice voice but what to do . . ?! MS amma's
voice keeps echoing and doesn't let me concentrate on this! :P

Meghashyam on Sunday, May 13, 2012
thanks for approving my video response :)

Suresh Shenoy on Sunday, July 15, 2012
Dear SJ, Part 1 You have uploaded one of the msot beautiful lyrics of
Bhaktha Meera. Your attempt to translate is good, but I am sorry it is
conveying only some partial meaning. Many people try word by word and
sentence by sentence translation. In that process, the real poetic meaning
is often lost. I think here Meera tries to re-create the scenes of
Vrindavan at her place in Rajasthan. By planting trees and creating another
Vrindavan she dwells in the Eternal Happy Abode of Krishna. See Part 2

Meghashyam on Thursday, August 02, 2012
i liked your translation :) nice way to see to the bhajan :) thanks! But i
still stick to my way of seeing it! meera asks to be his servant! what a
bhava!! level of her love!! feels MS amma is talking abt herself!!! :)

Meghashyam on Thursday, August 02, 2012

samaganam on Saturday, August 04, 2012
The beauty of the songs in this movie is the excellent string work!!! The
best song in this movie is jo tum todo piyaaa. What great voice mi
lord!!!!Awesome!!Pranams to the wonderful string work. Music is toooo
awesome,but sometimes feels like a hodgepodge too. Love the song and thanks
to the wonderful Vaniji for that crisp voice.Great upload.

23 comments related to song Shyam Mane Chakar Rakho Ji shown on 1 pages.

Film cast: Hema Malini, Vinod Khanna, Shreeram Lagoo, Bharat Bhushan, Amjad Khan, A K Hangal, Shammi Kapoor, Sudha Chopra, Dina Pathak, Om Shiv Puri, Vidya Sinha, Dinesh Thakur, T P Jain, Kamal Deep, Shahu Modak, Gauri Kamat, Nasir, Maqsood, Gurbachan
Singer: Vani Jairam, Dinkar Kaikini
Lyricist: Meera Bai
Music Director: Pt Ravi Shankar, Vijay Raghav Rao
Film Director: Gulzar
Film Producer: Premji
External Links: Meera at IMDB    Meera at Wikipedia
Watch Full Movie: Meera at YouTube    

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