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Jawahar Kaul, Zabeen Romantic Songs
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Comments for song "Ye Raat Ye Fizaye Phir Aaye Ya Na Aaye"
tsheikh56 on Saturday, July 25, 2009
MR, what a song you have posted? OMG
Soooooo romantic, soooooo beautiful. Rafi Jee you are awesome. Miss you

Talat Sheikh on Saturday, July 25, 2009
MR, what a song you have posted? OMG
Soooooo romantic, soooooo beautiful. Rafi Jee you are awesome. Miss you

tsheikh56 on Monday, August 03, 2009
Of course! they also deserve credit for that, but one thing you have to admit, no matter what, if that beautiful shairy and awesome melody is not sung well by the singer, the whole project will be a flop. I will say the singer is the piller of that creation, and Rafi knew how to turn the silver into gold. Agreed or still? Thanks for your pointing out though. Lets enjoy the song again.

Talat Sheikh on Monday, August 03, 2009
Of course! they also deserve credit for that, but one thing you have to admit, no matter what, if that beautiful shairy and awesome melody is not sung well by the singer, the whole project will be a flop. I will say the singer is the piller of that creation, and Rafi knew how to turn the silver into gold. Agreed or still? Thanks for your pointing out though. Lets enjoy the song again.

MoleculaRafian on Tuesday, August 04, 2009
Talat, you are getting into a big fight now. I also agree with nick that we should give tons of credit to MD and the song writer.
I think those writers and MDs along with Rafi made these songs Immortal. How come songs made in 70s and 80s don't stay with us for a long time ? Any way, like our friend, I'll close this with Allah Hafiz,

jasbongy on Thursday, October 15, 2009
Very well sug by Asha ji and Rafi ji. 5*********** Regards.

Dee Thakore on Friday, October 16, 2009
this is completely different song in movie. The 78rpm record has better
song. which played on radio. S. Madan mostly work on punjabi films as music

Rmehtacpa on Friday, October 16, 2009
True. So particular they were in those days that even minute matters played
part in creating tunes, writing, recording and picturizing them. There were
versions of records 78rpm and LP which were sold with markings like "From
the original soundtrack..." and that is where one might find film version.
As for this particular number the 78 Version is MUCH BETTER. They never
mind recording a same song twice with or without variance one for Recording
Company and for filming the scene.

Rmehtacpa on Friday, October 16, 2009
Absolutely...you are right.

Rmehtacpa on Friday, October 16, 2009
The 78 rpm record version is much much better than the tune here.

crazyoldsongs on Tuesday, October 20, 2009
this is a very well sung duet by asha and rafi , but as the other yt
members have mentioned we are more familiar with the other version which
was often played on radio and which i think used to sound more romantic
with the minimum chorus and more poetic . as far as i can remember the
words were ; aao shamaa bujhaa ke , hum aaj dil jalaayen . dont u think it
sounds more poetic .! thanks all the same for remiding about this melody .

asubrahm on Wednesday, June 09, 2010
Lovely -- thanks for posting! The actual lyrics on audio are "Yeh raat yeh fizaaen phir aayen yaa na aaen, aao shama bujha ke, ham aaj dil jalaayen," (with obvious double entendre) you can see the censors at work by replacing with ..."aao shama jala ke, ham aaj mil ke gaaen"

010904050 on Monday, September 06, 2010
Are the actors Moti Sagar and Jabeen jaleel?
Beautiful song.

MoleculaRafian on Saturday, September 11, 2010
. I think Jabeen and Jawahar Kaul. Thanks for visiting. Make it a great day, MR

Murtuza H on Monday, September 13, 2010
@crazyoldsongs. While acknowledging that what we listen on radio are the
wordings that you mentioned in your comments, but here in this video the
wordings of both the initial lines are slightly changed (aao shamaa jalake,
hum aaj mil ke gayen), which seems equally poetic to me as per the
situation. Such songs are really a treat not only to one's ears but to
one's heart and mind as well, which views you also appear to subscribe in
your comments.

pankyaomatic on Thursday, April 07, 2011
@crazyoldsongs Agree 100%

crazyoldsongs on Friday, April 08, 2011
@pankyaomatic thanks !

Jagjit Singh Ishar on Monday, July 11, 2011
there is another version of the song as " aao shama bujha ke hum aaj dil
jalain" but both are vlnt sweet composition by s madan. hats off to s
madan. xlnt upload.

preeti preetii on Wednesday, July 27, 2011
beautiful song, very less heard, thanks for posting,please tell about the actors .movie , year correctly...

MusafirHoonYaro on Friday, October 21, 2011
@sunillkhosla - Thanks for the tidbit. I would like to see this film. As
the title suggests I can believe Deewar could be a remake because of the
apparent "batvaara" of the mother between the sons.

Vedehi9 on Friday, November 04, 2011
Kya Baat Hai khosla ji...indian music is very rich and melodious!! I am
proud to be born on this earth!!! Enjoying humanism!!!

Ashit Bali on Friday, November 04, 2011
is it just me or does everyone agree that the lyrics of the song in this video are incorrect. the original lyrics are - "Ye raat ye fizaayein, fir aaye ya na aaye, aao shama BUJHA ke hum aaj Dil JALAAYEN"

sandeebush on Tuesday, February 14, 2012
kya awaaz hai...die for it

Azeez Ahmad on Wednesday, April 04, 2012
beautiful song wasted on an odd pair who literally make a mockery of such fascinating lyrics

Dilip S. Coulagi on Monday, April 09, 2012
No matter how big fans we are of an artiste, ultimately one has to agree with someone as egotistic as O.P.Nayyar, who said in an interview that 50% of a song's quality comes for the poet, 25% from the MD and the rest from the singers/musicians. The proportions may vary from song to song, but the essence holds.Of course Rafi's contribution would be very high to almost any song he sang, but a song is as charming and memorable as this one only due to the poetry and lilting music, besides singing!

Dilip S. Coulagi on Monday, April 09, 2012
Thanks for clarifying this. I too was puzzled when I heard this post since I remember the lyric as the 'uncensored' one you cited as the original. Ridiculous Bowdlerisation, isn't it? Hope the original is available..

Dilip S. Coulagi on Monday, April 09, 2012
Actually the original is available on the audio version (which I have)...

MusafirHoonYaro on Thursday, May 03, 2012
I agree with you. A lot of old songs are best heard on radio rather than watched on video. I had the same experience with songs picturized on Pradeep, e.g., "Ye Mausam Rangeen Sama, Thair Zaraa o jaanejaa ..."

Azeez Ahmad on Thursday, May 03, 2012
I'm delighted to hear from you. Nice to share values with like minded admirers

Srinivasan Channiga on Tuesday, July 03, 2012
The actors here are Jawahar Kaul & Jabeen Jalil. Good recording. Thanks.

nawatramani on Saturday, June 22, 2013
Those were the original lyrics but they had to be changed due to objections
by the censors. :)

गोविंद नारायण श्रीवास्तव on Monday, December 02, 2013
ये रात ये फिजायें, फिर आयें या न आयें, आओ शमा बुझाके, हम आज दिल जलायें

ये रात ये फिजायें, फिर आयें या न आयें, आओ शमा जलाके, हम आज मिलके गायें

दोनों वर्ज़न में youtube पर उपलब्ध है. 

anilesh goyal on Saturday, January 18, 2014
The song with differeny lyrics is therr in the movie in other
situation...saw the movie on doordarshan long back.

DR ARTI SAHAI on Wednesday, March 26, 2014

PASSIONFORSIEXTEES on Friday, April 18, 2014
One of my all time favourites..

PASSIONFORSIEXTEES on Friday, April 18, 2014
On of my all time fsvourites..

gopal sinha on Saturday, April 19, 2014
शब्द बदल जाएं, तो संदर्भ बदल जाते हैं..!

muhammad niazi on Thursday, May 01, 2014
Lovely song. Rafi Sahab riding the waves of his voice with great dexterity.

Shailesh Burse on Wednesday, May 28, 2014
classss song ... kya baat hai

akarshik on Wednesday, July 09, 2014
Fantastic revival Rajeev jee, loved it.

shabbir ahmad Andrabi on Friday, August 01, 2014
great song can't resist hearing it again and again, combination of great
voices, lyrics and music which is rare these days.

Rakesh Malhotra on Thursday, October 02, 2014
Must see two versions of this song
Happy- aao shama jala ke hum aaj mil ke gayen
Sad- aao shama bujha ke hum aaj dil jalayen
Wah majrooh saheb

Mohammed Kaleemullah on Wednesday, October 08, 2014
very lovely simple song----so smooth .---rafi saheb will be remembered
always for all his songs.

Abdul Haleem Khan Khan on Thursday, October 30, 2014

Abdul Haleem Khan Khan on Thursday, October 30, 2014

Ajay Bhuta on Tuesday, December 09, 2014
Class Duet song with memorable Tune & its Lyrics

Naresh Bist on Monday, December 22, 2014
Good song Naresh jung bist Neera bist Nepalganj Nepal

surendra cholkar on Saturday, January 03, 2015
Yes. There are two versions. I saw this song & was surprised. Thanks for
sharing. I'm thrilled.

Srinivasan Channiga on Sunday, January 04, 2015
Jabeen Jalil looks gorgeous.

GIRISH MISTRY on Wednesday, February 04, 2015
close your eyes and listen this song. you will feel better. good wordings
and very soft song. thanks for uploading.

59 comments related to song Ye Raat Ye Fizaye Phir Aaye Ya Na Aaye shown on 2 pages.

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Film cast: Balraj Sahni, Nirupa Roy, Pradeep Kumar, Jawahar Kaul, Rehman, Shashikala, Jabben Jalil, Leela Chitnis
Singer: Asha Bhosle, Mohammed Rafi, Geeta Dutt, Manna Dey, S. Balbir
Lyricist: Majrooh Sultanpuri
Music Director: S Madan
Film Director: Karunesh Thakur
External Links: Batwara at IMDB    
Watch Full Movie: Batwara at YouTube    Batwara at YouTube    

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