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Farooq Sheikh, Deepti Naval Masti Bhare Geet, Happy Songs
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Comments for song "Ye Tera Ghar Ye Mera Ghar, Ye Ghar Bahut Hasin Hai"
Jalgaon Live on Wednesday, February 27, 2008
excellent. nostalgic dream of indian middle class

Hari Babu on Saturday, April 19, 2008
It's wonderful movie. kash.. aisa movie aur bante tho achha hote!!!

abhilash7 on Wednesday, May 07, 2008
wish one could see such great movies instead of sleaze shows paraded as bollywood greats!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dipak Kushe on Saturday, May 17, 2008
Hi do you have the song "College Ka ek ladka.." from the same movie? if yes
then could you install it please. Thanks

sabbir mahmood on Tuesday, June 03, 2008
its all about class pls have a look thanks a lot,,,,,,,,,,

luckykasle on Sunday, July 20, 2008
I'll defenetly sing dis song wid my wife wen i'll buy one home 4 her.
excellent song.

suklabiswas on Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Sweet tune, lyrics & music.

akashg1969 on Friday, September 26, 2008

vineetarox on Thursday, October 23, 2008
dis is very touching song.

mavrike9 on Monday, November 10, 2008
zameen ke kareeb hai~

sameerhamb on Friday, December 05, 2008
I love this song..how important every home

wardaheden on Tuesday, March 31, 2009
can u upload dis movie...Saath Saath??plzzzzzzzz

nayaghoda on Wednesday, April 15, 2009
very true song for couples.

vinaldeo on Thursday, May 07, 2009
real good song.
what movie is this 4rm?

gopo101 on Monday, May 11, 2009
my parents wedding song=] i love it.

desidancers on Friday, August 07, 2009
Love the music and the lyrics so very emaningful.and Jagjit and Chitra singh made it special with their voice..

AksheeShadow on Sunday, August 09, 2009
did u see the whole movie :)

gtexaust on Sunday, August 09, 2009
jaaney kahan gye woh log !!

ktrini1953 on Tuesday, September 01, 2009
omg that well bring back memorirs of home

krnnanda on Saturday, September 19, 2009
Wat a beautiful song ..i love the
it too much ...its ..close to our souls ..brings a smile ...both to married ..and ..to be married ..yes ..proud ..to ..belong to such a land ..aka india .it only happens in india ... :)

Waheed Sujjad on Saturday, September 26, 2009
We try so hard to get better and higher education. Then, leave our home
towns, countries and make millions of dollars. But, at the end we think of
our home towns, our countries and those people that we spent our lives with
when we did not have any material things but happiness and more happiness.
Can we go back?

bluzz100 on Monday, October 05, 2009
love this song...very close to my heart..each words speaks out my feeling for our house.we r filling each corner of our house with our love dreams and colours..love my home and i dedicate this song to my loved home..

ranabhola on Sunday, October 11, 2009
we had the similar start of our married life. now we look back and remember
those happy days.

ssp8181 on Monday, October 12, 2009
log nahin din !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ssp8181 on Monday, October 12, 2009
how romantic !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

mahpat on Friday, December 11, 2009
nice, one of my very favourite songs.

clyde2525 on Thursday, January 07, 2010
we just try to live by the standards of the status quo, that's all it
is...we are worried about how everyone else perceives us and so we go out
to become richer and get a better education, when in reality we were happy
living around our loved ones and around the same wet mud streets haha..not
a bad thing to increase standard of living though.

didy711 on Saturday, January 09, 2010
saath saath

taaronkirani on Thursday, January 14, 2010
looking for this pic since long - if anyone posts it up pls lemme know thanks

sunj109 on Tuesday, March 09, 2010
we leave our homes to go Abroad and make money and while you are doiong all that you always have teh close people on your mnd whom you used to hang around and spent time and once you have made money etc can you really go back and have same setup like it used to be? life is one way i think. nice song but brings back memories of childhood i used to have back home.cheeers

Waheed Sujjad on Monday, March 15, 2010
Sunj109, Thank you dear. I guess we take life as it comes, accept the
challenges and live a day at a time.

ASHWIN GITE on Tuesday, April 13, 2010
you are 1000% correct Bhai, wish have a time machine and can be transported
back to those golden days

artyjill on Saturday, April 17, 2010
simple and a beautiful song - love it. thanks for posting.

bregoji on Sunday, April 18, 2010
what a song its truthful song of life

amit bose on Sunday, April 18, 2010
really i like this song & best picturisation..film'' i dont want 2 stay in
kothis & villas i want 2 stay or live this kind of house with beautiful
wife wid good understanding like this when the dream will come true
. farooque shaikh & diipti naval high
class actor (amit bose)

bregoji on Sunday, April 18, 2010
@DhiyanSingh What ever you said is absolutely correct n true as life today
is so artificial that if we do try to connect with peoples of past we are
bound to feel real affection, love n enjoyment more then the money can give

vipinshah on Sunday, April 18, 2010
classic love song. a1..i really love it

mee1976 on Monday, April 19, 2010
son simple yet capturing song.. song is good , the movies was fantastic
and These two Farooq and deepti look an amazing couple together.. ! So pure
and innocent expressions of both. immortal .. timeless!!! The dialog after
this song is as good as the song itself. !!!

Hitesh Sharma on Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Guys this song is great no doubt.. the movie is a classic. its
shows what is growing apart.. husband and wife are good but they grow
apart . amazing thot which is depicted in a wonderful way. a
must watch for young couples... The great thing is that such a thot and
concept was pictured in 80's . Thanks a lot uploading

tubenk on Tuesday, May 25, 2010
song that makes u will love the normal and mundane parts of life rather than ornamental and grand and rich. the different between home and building

vishesh020782 on Friday, May 28, 2010
This song really touched my heart.i can feel the happiness & imotions..to have own home with loving family...infact "onlyloving family makes home otherwise it is house".awesome. vishesh sharma

Narayanan5 on Thursday, June 03, 2010
Lovely! Simple, good people; simple lives. Yes, you do need enough money for your basic needs: a decent house, health care, good education, food, a safe neighbourhood, etc. But beyond these, what we need are a good sense of ourselves, and the company of people whom we love and respect. People should realise that this is what brings happiness, and not more and more money and material wealth.

bulletkidinca on Thursday, June 03, 2010
Thanks for the upload..
Brings back memories of past
And hopes for future..

kbarmeda on Thursday, June 10, 2010

check out my attempt for the same song

Er.Sanjeev Chaudhry on Monday, June 14, 2010
I like this song from my earlier days but i fond and eased in at here
.Thanks a lot.

Er.Sanjeev Chaudhry on Thursday, June 24, 2010
squeezing effect through the heart,,,feelings can't be expressed through any sorts of communication ,,,,,,,FEEL THE COMPOSITION WITH SOLITUDE AS YOUR ONE
AND ONLY COMPANION. Er.sanjeev : sanjeevchaudhry6@gmail.com

millionstylez1 on Saturday, July 17, 2010
I fell in love with this song the first time i heard it.

millionstylez1 on Saturday, July 17, 2010
beautiful song

farooq ahmed on Thursday, July 29, 2010
today all you have is comparision's ki nazar.so nobody's ghar is haseen

sabashsabash on Friday, July 30, 2010
@Narayanan5: Absolutely,I agree. Until 10-15 years ago the joint-family
system in our South Asian culture was really wonderful.I mean different
generations,different people developed a family support system (going
beyond extended family members),including community living (neighbourhod
awareness in good/bad times) cultivated a society of tolerance,patience &
respect of all ages. In JUST about 15 years South Asia has changed & become
so self-centered, selfish,individualistic & suspicious!!Sad.

159 comments related to song Ye Tera Ghar Ye Mera Ghar, Ye Ghar Bahut Hasin Hai shown on 4 pages.

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Film cast: Farooq Sheikh, Deepti Naval, Iftekhar, Satish Shah, Sudha Chopra, A K Hangal, Avtar Gill, Rakesh Bedi
Singer: Ashok, Chitra, Jagjit Singh, V L Murlidharan
Lyricist: Javed Akhtar
Music Director: Kuldeep Singh
Film Director: Raman Kumar
Film Producer: Dilip Dhawan
External Links: Saath Saath at IMDB    Saath Saath at Wikipedia
Watch Full Movie: Saath Saath at YouTube    

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