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screen shot of song - O Re Maajhi, Mere Saajan Hain Us Paar
4.32 - 307 votes
Ashok Kumar, Nutan
All Time Great, Classical Songs
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Lyrics of O Re Maajhi, Mere Saajan Hain Us Paar - ओ रे माझी, मेरे साजन है उस पार

o re majhi o re majhi o o mere majhi
mere saajan hai us paar, mai man maar, hun is paar
o mere majhi, abaki baar, le chal paar, le chal paar
mere saajan hai us paar, mai man maar, hun is paar
o mere majhi, abaki baar, le chal paar, le chal paar
mere saajan hai us paar

ho man ki kitab se tu, mera naam hi mita dena
gun to na tha koi bhi, avagun mere bhula dena
ho man ki kitab se tu, mera naam hi mita dena
gun to na tha koi bhi, avagun mere bhula dena
mujhako teri bida ka
mujhako teri bida ka mar ke bhi rahata itazar
mere saajan hai us paar, mai man maar, hun is paar
o mere majhi, abaki baar, le chal paar, le chal paar
mere saajan hai us paar

mat khel jal jaaegi, kahati hai aag mere man ki
mat khel mat khel jal jaaegi, kahati hai aag mere man ki
mai badini piyaa ki chir sagini hun saajan ki
mera khichati hai aanchal
mera khichati hai aanchal man mit teri har pukar
mere sajan hai us paar
o re majhi o re majhi o o mere majhi
mere sajan hai us paar

lyrics of song O Re Maajhi, Mere Saajan Hain Us Paar

Comments for lyrics of song "O Re Maajhi, Mere Saajan Hain Us Paar"
sonny19xx on Tuesday, January 05, 2010
Earth shaking song ! How SD breaks his voice and creates an effect that is
unequalled. The movie is another classic and the song so befits the scene
and the story. Nutan is so expressive and there is little of Ashok to see
in this movie. Terrific treat all right. The imperfection in SD's voice is
so perfectly rendered. This movie has become a part of folk lore of hindi
film music. These days are never gonna come back and we have only memories.
THANKS A LOT rajan8550

Mith Pandey on Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Ho man kii kitaab se tuu, meraa naam hii mitaa denaa
Gun to na thaa koii bhii, avagun mere bhulaa denaa
Mujhako terii bidaa kaa
Mujhako terii bidaa kaa mar ke bhii rahataa intazaar
Mere saajan

Mat khel jal jaaegii, kahatii hai aag mere man kii
Mat khel
Mat khel jal jaaegii, kahatii hai aag mere man kii
Main bandinii piyaa kii chir sanginii huun saajan kii
Meraa khiinchatii hai aanchal
Meraa khiinchatii hai aanchal man miit terii har pukaar

Munib Samir on Thursday, January 06, 2011
The first reason is that the composers and singers were very committed with
their profession.They not only had deep knowledge of our classical music
but kept them self within the limits.They were proud of our classical music
and were not inspired by any other culture.They never wanted to be any
elvis or michel.They had and were much more than them.That is why these
songs are long lasting.

rajan8550 on Monday, October 05, 2009
o re maajhii o re maajhii o o mere maajhii mere saajan hai.n us paar, mai.n
man maar, huu.N is paar o mere maajhii, abakii baar, le chal paar, le chal
paar mere saajan hai.n us paar... ho man kii kitaab se tuu, meraa naam hii
miTaa denaa gun to na thaa koii bhii, avagun mere bhulaa denaa mujhako
terii bidaa kaa... mujhako terii bidaa kaa mar ke bhii rahataa i.ntazaar
mere saajan...

amoralis123 on Monday, April 20, 2009
Burman, wow! No words. Just one long sigh. It is probably one of the best
song ever written & sung. The words are simple yet they convey deep
meanings. What can any one say, except, thnx to Rajan8550, making history.
Great job. I hope U Tube have back up storage of terra terra butes to keep
them safe.

View all 167 comments related to song O Re Maajhi, Mere Saajan Hain Us Paar - ओ रे माझी, मेरे साजन है उस पार

Film cast: Ashok Kumar, Nutan, Dharmendra, Raha Paranjpe, Tarun Bose, Asit Sen, Moni Chatterjee, Iftekhar, Sulochana Chatterjee, Parveen Paul, Chandrima Bhaduri, Raj Verma, Satyen Kappu, Bhola, Benjamin, Sharma, Pardesi, Kapoor, Laxmi, Sulochana, Kalpana, Mehar Banu, Leela, Bela Bose, Devika, Ruby, Sadhana Khote, Rakesh, Kaun Roy, Hiralal, Rajdeep, Bharati Devi, Samar Chatterjee
Singer: Asha Bhosle, Lata Mangeshkar, Manna Dey, Mukesh, S D Burman
Lyricist: Gulzar, Shailendra
Music Director: S D Burman
Film Director: Bimal Roy
Film Producer: Bimal Roy
External Links: Bandini at IMDB    Bandini at Wikipedia
Watch Full Movie: Bandini at YouTube    Bandini at YouTube    

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