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Comments for lyrics of song "Aaj Rang Hai"
Ravi Seru on Friday, November 21, 2014 I am a big admirer of Amir Khusro and a big fan of Kavita Seth. She has
voice with divine quality. Listen to just audio and it takes you to another
place. However, video is just not matching. Here we are taking of divine
love. Try putting flowing river, birds, deep forests etc which remind us of
Nature/God's love. I sincerely hope that her songs divine songs are not
ruined by this so-called modern trend. Despite myth of multi-tasking, Mind
has capacity to do one task at a time. When you take mind to God's love and
then, at the same time, try to give message against animal slaughter, mind
goes from one direction to a totally different direction and then back to
first direction. In the process, it can not enjoy any. Please make a
suitable video for protecting animals ( if that is what you want ). Please
Please do not include those visuals in this sufi song.
Rakesh Bohra on Friday, October 10, 2014 Fab work kanishk... wishing you allll the great luck ahead... I also loved
the mixing of video... kavita ji is awsmmm susual...worshiping voice... She
is like India's Abida ji "My favorite" ... Am waiting for Chap Tilk in her
transcendental voice...
Sam Aadak on Sunday, October 12, 2014 I am not talking about singing or voice.I am very big fan of Trance music
but This is the Worst Trance Song of all time.Don't try to distort trance
music otherwise Trance King Armin Van Buuren will kill this Producer :)
Bhim Prasad Ghimire on Tuesday, October 07, 2014 गाना सुन्दर । संदेश जायज । पर, भिडियो इफेक्ट आँखो को डिस्टर्ब करती है ।
Eshan Saraswat on Tuesday, October 28, 2014 Why is the slaughtering of birds shown in such a nice song's video.