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Comments for lyrics of song "Breathing Under Water"
George Patsanis on Wednesday, December 12, 2012 ..τώρα, εδώ στις πιο δύσκολές μου στιγμές, μακριά από τους αγαπημένους μου
ανθρώπους, με σφάζεις.. πεθαίνω τόσο γλυκά.. υποφέρω κι όμως δεν μπορώ να
πάψω να σε ακούω.. Πόσο πολύ μου λείπεις αγάπη μου, Ερατούλα μου, ζωή και
δύναμη της ψυχής μου.. άσε με να σου πω τα πάντα, το κλάμα μου όπως
ακούγεται σ' αυτή τη μαγεμένη μουσική, γεμάτη με παιδικό παράπονο.. Δώσε
μας πάλι τη χαρά και ζωή στην αγάπη μας, κοϊτσι μου εσύ.. μικό μικό.. Λιώνω
και είμαι τόσο μακριά σου.. Ο κος Μουλείπεις..
యుగంధర వన్నెంరెడ్డి on Wednesday, April 10, 2013 Thanks, you said "Happy to hear you Sang today" I feel my voice is not so
good, So, usually I am afraid to sing but in that enchanting Vibration of
life made me sing In-deliberately with the Heart. Hey I am from India as
well Denchen and thus I know about 5 elements, but
Space,Air,Fire,Water,Earth aren't they five elements. Is Space and Sound
are same!!! Last one to say and Ritva Where are you now, I understand you
were in Sweden early this month. I am studying in Sweden now. Regards
dustymiller65 on Friday, July 20, 2012 Why does her sitar weep? -does it remember the cloying, lost promise of
paradise? -was it's innocent and sweet, mellifluous heart broken? -perhaps
it mourns for the longing embrace of a soul mate that will never be known?
-or maybe, in the depths of night's cold embrace, it realizes the vast
emptiness that sorrow and gloom may never fill, no matter how much of each
there is? -broken, slowly sinking, it is drowning in an ocean of tears...
Perhaps, that is what it is like to breathe underwater.
యుగంధర వన్నెంరెడ్డి on Wednesday, April 10, 2013 I am studying Molecular Biology in Uppsala, Concept of Sound and Space (of
Silence) duality is quite pleasing. The line "they are very very profound
element of life" brought some very unknown Happiness to my mind... :). You
said "they are very" and you finished the line with "profound
element(singular) of life" indicating they are one. I would say instead of
West yet to discover, entire World is in some sort of amnesia, it need
sometime to open it eyes. Will be singing from now as you said :)
tarun sehgal on Thursday, March 14, 2013 Dear Dechen Palmo; In India; where ever there is mention about beauty; like
you did; then we say here; that such beauty can evolve in our work; by
following ONLY; the wisdom, understanding,N activities of powers of
knowledge of SATYAM( or that which includes truth), SHIVAM( or that which
includes shiv* ; DETAILS MENTIONED BELOW) , and SUNDARAM ( or that which
includes beauty.); especially in the actions and qualities of nature, and
in the style of working of them; in the abilities of self.