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Lyrics of Chad Gayi, Rum Ke Nashe Me - रम के नशे में आज हम खो गए
ram ke nashe me aaj hum kho gaye
lag gayi dimag ki sunn ho gaye
ram ke nashe me aaj hum kho gaye
lag gayi dimag ki sunn ho gaye
sunn ho gaye ji tunn ho gaye
tunn ho gaye ji tunn ho gaye
chad chad chad chad chad chad chad gayi re
thoda sa udne de thoda sa bahne de
chad chad chad chad chad chad chad gayi re
thoda sa jine de thoda sa marne de
chad chad chad chad chad chad chad gayi re
ram ke nashe me hu tere vasine me
chad chad chad chad chad chad chad gayi re
chad chad chad gayi re thodi thodi chad gayi re
dimag fatte jayega dimag fatte jayega
sine se nikal ke dil kathte jayega
dimag fatte jayega dimag fatte jayega
sine se nikal ke dil kathte jayega
aana tha mere dar par raste se mud gayi re
chad chad chad chad chad chad chad gayi re
thoda sa udne de thoda sa bahne de
chad chad chad chad chad chad chad gayi re
thoda sa jine de thoda sa marne de
chad chad chad chad chad chad chad gayi re
ram ke nashe me hu tere vasine me
chad chad chad chad chad chad chad gayi re
pressure pressure pressure pressure
nashe ka hai ye pressure cooker
nasha nasha tu nasha dila de
nashe ki hu mai bhukkad bhukkad
bhukkad bhukkad bhukkad bhukkad
doob jane de mujhe doob jane de
teri in nigaho me doob jane de
doob jane de mujhe doob jane de
teri in nigaho me doob jane de
fir kahna tu mere sath karle bhi ho taiyar
chad chad chad chad chad chad chad gayi re
thoda sa udne de thoda sa bahne de
chad chad chad chad chad chad chad gayi re
thoda sa jine de thoda sa marne de
chad chad chad chad chad chad chad gayi re
ram ke nashe me hu tere vasine me
chad chad chad chad chad chad chad gayi re
doob jane de mujhe doob jane de
teri in nigaho me doob jane de
doob jane de mujhe doob jane de
teri in nigaho me doob jane de
Comments for lyrics of song "Chad Gayi, Rum Ke Nashe Me"
angel24111989 on Saturday, June 29, 2013 Bollywood is exploring new topics. FINALLY its not all about the hero and
villain with the heroine acting as an accessory. So when you have dark
topics, you need music which goes with it (again because its bollywood that
you need music in the first place). So there is nothing wrong is producing
such songs. Please realize that drinking and clubs are gaining popularity
because we as indians ape the west. Songs like these can not promote public
AvneeshNful on Sunday, July 14, 2013 Nice Movie and the script was too good and at the end it was sheer
Co-incidence that the film ends up well else it would have ended much more
better on a different shore.but the writer was true to the point and the
cast and crew did a Good job.4/5
Megha Bharati on Sunday, June 30, 2013 The actress Isabella is d rumoured gf of Virat kohli... :) Lets c whthr she
can act or not... The concept seems to b different!!!
SheryllEastwood on Sunday, June 30, 2013 I don't know what kind of sixteen aged people do this stuff! This movie's
name should be Eighteen! Lol
meatrealwishes on Monday, July 15, 2013 in india you can go to clubs at age 16????? wow, it looks like you are
ahead of west :P