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Comments for lyrics of song "Chadh Chadh Jana"
Aditya Patra on Sunday, July 05, 2015 I normally dont comment on youtube videos but Coke studio has always given
me the songs that i can just put on repeat and enjoy :)
first of all awesome job Ram Sampath. Darshan Doshi , U r out of this
world. Bhawari Devi has the perfect voice for folk songs which is sadly
dying away in our country and coke studio has done a great job in providing
a platform for such beautiful music. Everyone seems to enjoy the
song..Hope to see you in the nxt CS with more of such awesome songs.
Mohit Garde (MAG) on Tuesday, July 28, 2015 This is such a soothing fusion! DnB with folk vocals topped with some
reggae guitars! Super underground folk fusion! Great job Ram Sampath crazy
production was searching for this song after listening to it on mtv. I
never knew someone can play that crazy DnB style drums live! Darshan Doshi
Sir you are CRAZY! Awesome job again!
Aman Singh on Sunday, September 20, 2015 She has the most amazing voice, no one comes close to the power in her
voice, maybe only Janis Joplin. But being a folk singer maybe Ram Sampath
should give her a completely folk sounding song sometimes in future, or
hard rock song because she would kill a hard rock tune.
Prince Kumar on Sunday, August 16, 2015 big big time fan of bhanvari dev! more powerful than kattey, couldn't
understand it properly but such is the class of this rendition by her that
u feel the chills n thrills! power-packed! thanks ram sampath for bringing
her back! kudos
Dhanraj Tailor on Friday, September 18, 2015 Great voice with great composition. She has no match for her voice. i have
never heard such high vocals.Thanks to Mr Ram Sampat to bring this hidden
talent of our country on national platform. I request to bring her in
Bollywood also.