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Lyrics of Chori Chori Chupke Chupke Palko Ke Piche - चोरी चोरी चुपके चुपके are not available yet.
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Comments for lyrics of song "Chori Chori Chupke Chupke Palko Ke Piche"
Олександр Шевчук on Tuesday, January 28, 2014 the great song!
Rajesh Khanna, Mumtaz, Sanjeev Kumar, Jay Shree T, Ranjeet, Rehman, Dina Pathak, A K Hangal, Jr Mehmood, Sulochana, Asrani, Satyen Kappu, Keshto Mukherjee, Murad, Sunder, V Gopal, Lolita Chatterjee, Ratna