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Lyrics of Deewane Hum Nahin Hote Deewani Raat Aati Hai - दीवाने हम नहीं होते दीवानी रात आती है are not available yet.
We will add the lyrics of the song in due course.
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Aditya Yadav, Stebin Ben, Altamash Faridi, MC Square, Nakash Aziz, Akasa Singh, Nikhita Gandhi, Lijo George, The PropheC, Zahrah S Khan, Udit Narayan, Abhijeet, Vikram Montrose, Abhinav Shekhar, Ali Aslam Shah, Yo Yo Honey Singh
Abhinav Shekhar, Vikram Montrose, Aditya Yadav, Kunaal Verma, Azeem Dayani, Shabbir Ahmed, Maya Govind, The PropheC, Tanishk Bagchi, Yo Yo Honey Singh
Music Director:
Aditya Yadav, Tanishk Bagchi, Anu Malik, Lijo George, DJ Chetas, The PropheC, Vikram Montrose, Yo Yo Honey Singh