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Lyrics of Dharati Ko Aakaash Pukaare - धरती को आकाश पुकारे
dharti ko aakaash pukare
aa ja aa ja prem duvare, aana hi hoga
is duniya ko chhod ke pyaare
jhuthe bandhan tod ke saare, jaana hi hoga
Comments for lyrics of song "Dharati Ko Aakaash Pukaare"
V. Siddhartha on Saturday, August 08, 2009 Moving song, moving acting by DK and the man playing his dad( I don't know
his name). The warmth of the father-son bond about to be snapped by the
cruel hand of death touches the very core of one's heart. Thanks, Rajeev.
SK Pandey on Friday, November 11, 2011 A great song of Dilip Kumar, Nargis, Mukesh, Shamshad Begum, Shakeel
Badayuni and Naushad . The pain in the song is so extreme that it pierces
the heart and lingers on for long. Thanks for this rare upload.
kirti kumar Khanna on Thursday, February 10, 2011 this excelent dharti ko aakash pukare is in rag shivranjani ,mukesh sahib
has done wonders with one only Naushad sahib composing it shamshad begam is
there also .i will keep listening this
reverseswing on Saturday, January 19, 2013 In one of his interviews Naushad said that he tuned ' Awaz de kahan hai '
(Anmol Ghadi) and 'Dharti ko akash pukare ' (Mela) in his dream.
DharniBS on Thursday, August 27, 2009 The character who played DKs dad is Amar who played Suraiya's maamu in
Dillagi and also was the actor in Parda.