kadema100 on Monday, July 27, 2009 he said uttta nah shesha karnie faranq ke isaan kudie nah bech garbie meh
nam peda kar we should take steps to acheive this and dont rely on west aid
and live in our resources and learn and keep our kudi respect may god give
our nation hadiyth ameen
muhammad adnan javed on Monday, March 08, 2010 yes i believe that HIS pbuh ilm has been transfered to companions both ilm
of book and spiritual ilm,infact everything has been transfered except
nabuwwat.but it didnt transfer as whole to one being..when ALLAH created
ilm He gave 99% to muhammad pbuh.prophet pbuh in a rawayat said that He
pbuh is the city of ilm and ali RA is door.but no one can carry the ilm as
nabi muhammad pbuh did..
uzi0808 on Sunday, April 26, 2009 Iqbal realised the changing societies in which people who we would
considers as Moulanas or Imams were corrupted. For example, Iqbal, in his
poetry, says, Jawano ko Perooh ka Ustad kar. now, he doesnt mean that make
all the youth the teachers of the Peers, but he is saying that the youth
should crack down on the false peers and teach them the Truth!
muhammad adnan javed on Sunday, March 07, 2010 the nabi s.a.w was ocean of ilm,so all rivers of ilm flow from Him s.a.w..
fiqh isan ilm, hadith is ilam, tafseer is an ilm, marifat of Allah is an
ilm.. Allama was a sufi poet hu posessed ilm of Allah..after holy profet
pbuh no one could posess ilm completely .. hope explained...
sardarzain on Thursday, October 01, 2009 what about Iman Ghazali and Imam Hanifa (rz). I cant see the comparison.
Iqbal was a great thinker and philosopher and they are other two were great
scholars of Islam. I can see Islam in philosophy of Iqbal but it is not
same as Imam Hanifa who was scholar of Fiqh.