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I Can't Make You Love Me
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screen shot of song - I Can't Make You Love Me
3.00 - 4 votes
Priyanka Chopra
Video of the song from youtube Advertisements

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Lyrics of I Can't Make You Love Me - कॉज आइ कान'ट मेक यु लव मी इफ यु डोन'ट

cause i can't make you love me if you don't
you can't make your heart feel
somethin' it won't

turn down the lights
turn down the bed
turn down these voices inside my head
lay down with me
tell me no lies
just hold me close
don't patronize
cause i can't make you love me if you don't
you can't make your heart feel
somethin' it won't

here in the dark, in these final hours
i will lay down my heart
i'll feel the power
cause i can't make you love me

cause i can't make

cause i can't make

i'll close my eyes
then i won't see
love you don't feel
when you're holdin' me
morning will come
and i'll do what's right
just give me till then
to give up this fight
cause i can't make you love me if you don't
you can't make your heart feel
somethin' it won't

here in the dark, in these final hours
i will lay down my heart
i'll feel the power
cause i can't make

lyrics of song I Can't Make You Love Me

Comments for lyrics of song "I Can't Make You Love Me"
Akta Patel on Saturday, July 25, 2015
people who not actually appreciating her talent and work , they are really
jealous of her ..she perfect combination of talent , hard work and good
looking.if you can't appreciate then why are you bother to reply on her
video even guys..she's fabulous and that fact never gonna be change by
saying some negati vve things about her.guys so look at yourself what
you have done and look her ...you guys will realize every
truth.jealous people.

karina angelheart on Friday, September 12, 2014
jeder hat ein anrecht auf sein Leben egal wie er/sie zu Leben hat.. egal
im welchem land man ist egal ob frau oder man jeder hat das recht zu Leben
und das zu tun was er/sie möchten.. die stimme ist toll von ihr und man
muss nicht immer indisch singen die meisten die hier schreiben so schlecht
über sie die leute sind nur neidisch auf sie das nur eifersucht weil sie
gut ist... und englisch singt gut klasse

HARRY SANDHU on Monday, April 27, 2015
Just one thing..On one hand..while the whole world(where no one knew her
before) is busy praising Priyanka for her Singing,Acting n her 'Exotic
beauty' (and they generally don't 'accept' any foreigner so quickly!)..We
indians here are busy writing the hate comments and that too for no reason
at all!!!
Indians..She's making us PROUD out there! It's time to be with her n

Ajit Sharma on Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Simply would like to say.Awesome PC...let the people criticize and
making rumors on you...you have done fabulous work...to do this needs so
much talent dare and hard work. People just take a moment to speak about
others gives comments and judge which they don't have right to do
so..first prove what you r and then give judgment about others...

Sarah Johns on Wednesday, September 17, 2014
I like Priyanka very much, especially as an actress, but I think here she
is trying to much - i mean it looks a bit copied like every second american
mtv video clip, I think she should sing in hindi or more soulful songs, but
still I congratulate her - she has achieved so much.

View all 318 comments related to song I Can't Make You Love Me - कॉज आइ कान'ट मेक यु लव मी इफ यु डोन'ट

Film cast: Priyanka Chopra
Singer: Priyanka Chopra
Music Director: Mike Reid, Allen Shamblin

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