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Lyrics of I Keel Ded Peepul (Boris Mix)
zombies zom, zom, zom zom, zom, zombies
excuse me mo mo ris maris
m m murry murris
murris murris murris
i kill, i kill i kill dead people
i kill dead people i kill, i kill
friend, sister, mother, brother
all the same we have to keel
we have to keel have to have to keel
have to keel have to keel
are you really are you really really russian
what what you look a little desi
haan delhi sey hu
Comments for lyrics of song "I Keel Ded Peepul (Boris Mix)"
nihal94260 on Wednesday, June 05, 2013 Saif played another role of hero first agent vinod then a role which is
copied from resident evil.
nihal94260 on Wednesday, June 05, 2013 I wish zombies will become templars in the game of assassin's creed 5.
SongtressNehha on Monday, May 20, 2013 Gr8 <3 do check out my singing covers on my channel :))))
nihal94260 on Wednesday, June 05, 2013 Who made people into zombies or where does it came from?
kayman7184 on Sunday, May 26, 2013 Best zombie movie loving it