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Lyrics of Jai He Mahalaxmi Maa - जय हे महालक्ष्मी माँ are not available yet.
We will add the lyrics of the song in due course.
Most probably, we have not yet updated the lyrics due to non-availablity of audio or video of the song.
If you have the lyrics for this song or know the source for the lyrics or song, please post them by way of comments in comment box below.
Comments for lyrics of song "Jai He Mahalaxmi Maa"
Bhakta Ganeshwar on Tuesday, November 10, 2015 हमारे सभी भारतीयों भाइयों और बहनों के लिए हैप्पी दीवाली
Hamārē sabhī bhāratīyōṁ bhā'iyōṁ aura bahanōṁ kē li'ē haippī dīvālī
shubh sandesh on Monday, March 14, 2011 is film k sare songs bahut hi achhe k baki songs bhi dekhne ko
mil jaate to kitna achha hota..