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Comments for lyrics of song "Kahi Door Jab Din Dhal Jaye"
reikitube on Friday, August 29, 2014 When I heard the original sung by Mukesh, I wondered at the simplicity of
this beautifully written song, singer and composer. I could not imagine any
changes to this song. Today, I have changed my mind. I discovered
Jagjit's version of this song, sung in his style. I liked it a lot.
Unfortunately, Jagjit recorded his version of the song when he was on the
decline and trying to rescue his popularity, decided to record this Album.
By this time, the drinking and smoking had really taken a toll on his
voice. However on Jagjit's worst day, he could sing better than billions
of people on this planet. I wish he had sung this 25 years earlier. So
please if you can, forget voice the voice quality and focus on the
beautiful subtle touches which are the hallmark of Jagjit Singh's ghazals
and songs. He has carved his name in the world of music for ever.
Kazi Abdul Quayum on Sunday, June 21, 2015 my love song in my life.if anybody share pain or memory please call me
01865982255.I am from u.s.When i listen i fell my heart became ice
mountain.One day i will sing this song.
Jack Frost on Saturday, July 19, 2014 I don't usually like cover versions, but in this case, I will make an
exception! thanks for the video.
Partha Dey on Sunday, March 15, 2015 Beautiful..Inexplicable..Floored...
paratrip on Friday, November 30, 2012 Is 1:20 a Merc or an ambassador?