Pankaj Singh on Thursday, October 08, 2015 This song and many more sung by Legend Gulam Ali Saahab bring me back to my
childhood days, i grew up listening to him, my dad is big fan of him. We
should learn so much from The Legends like Bismillah Khan Sahab, Gulam Ali
Sahab, Jagjeet Sahab, Anup Jalota, Pankaj Udas, even after achieving so
much they are so down to earth and so humble, and who ever said Music got
no boundaries are so true. Wish someday come when we live in peace with our
loveusayan on Saturday, June 04, 2011 impossible... ghulam ali sahab is better than jagjeet sing not only in this
song... but in every song also...(after taken all of my frnds openion i
remarked this.. dnt mind viewers)
mili12367 on Sunday, December 21, 2014 Great Tabla. Superb.
I thought Jagjit is better than Ghulam Ali in this Ghazal.
This is not comparison and just my like. I'm nobody. Both Jagjit singh n
Ghulam ali are great.
Tara Tiwari on Wednesday, January 25, 2012 You know wht? I listened both of them and I down loaded both to my CD as I
enjoyed listening in two ways. Both of them are great and versatile singer
in their own place. NY, USA
Pervaiz Akhtar on Thursday, May 23, 2013 apparently the tabla player has a different idea of the Ghazal. At times he
would not let Ustad Ghulam Ali express his movements.