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Lyrics of Naina Hain Pyase Mere, Pyasa Hai Pran Mera - नैना है प्यासे मेरे ,प्यासा है प्राण मेरा
naina hai pyase mere pyasa hai pran mera
mai hu ek barakha ke bin jalata sa din
aashiya hai sunsan mera
pyar puja prarthana to ek sath rahana chahe
sath agar sath na de sang aa jati aahe
ab yahi hai sufan mera
naina hai pyase mere pyasa hai pran mera
mai hu ek barkha ke bin jalata sa din
aashiya hai sunsan mera
Comments for lyrics of song "Naina Hain Pyase Mere, Pyasa Hai Pran Mera"
RajeshKhannaFan1 on Thursday, August 27, 2009 The sound's low in the film and, therefore, in this clip till about 0:57
and then it picks up. Turning up the volume helps :-)
Lakshmi G on Monday, January 28, 2013 Like Kanu Roy's few compositions, but they all sound very similar to me.