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4.08 - 169 votes
Raag Based Songs, Raga - Kirwani
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Lyrics of Paaraa Paaraa Huaa Pairaahan E Jaan - पारा पारा हुआ पैराहन-ए-जाँ

para para hua
para para hua pairahan-e-ja
para para para para para para
para para hua pairahan-e-ja
phir mujhe chhod gaye charagara
para para hua pairahan-e-ja
para para hua

para para hua
para para hua pairahan-e-ja
phir mujhe chhod gaye charagara
para para hua pairahan-e-ja

koi aahat, na ishara, na saraab
koi aahat koi aahat
koi aahat aahat aahat
koi aahat, na ishara, na saraab
kaisa vira hai ye dasht-e-imka
kaisa vira hai ye dasht-e-imka
kaisa vira
kaisa vira hai ye dasht-e-imka
phir mujhe chhod gaye charagara
para para hua pairahan-e-ja
para para hua pairahan-e-ja

charsu khak udati hai hawa
charsu charsu charsu charsu charsu
charsu khak udati hai hawa
hawa hawa hawa hawa
charsu khak udati hai hawa
charsu khak udati hai hawa
charsu khak udati hai hawa
astaran, kabatran, teg-e-rava
astaran, kabatran, teg-e-rava
phir mujhe chhod gaye charagara
para para hua pairahan-e-ja

waqt ke sog me lamho ka julus
waqt ke sog me
waqt ke sog me lamho ka julus
waqt ke sog me
waqt ke sog me lamho ka julus
jaise ik kaafila-e-nauhagara
jaise ik kaafila-e-nauhagara
phir mujhe chhod gaye charagara
para para hua pairahan-e-ja

marge ummed ke vira sarbroj
marge ummed ke
marge ummed ke
marge ummed ke vira sarbroj
marge ummed marge ummed
marge ummed ke vira sarbroj
marge ummed ke vira sarbroj
mausame bahar bahaar aur na khiza
mausame bahar bahaar aur na khiza
phir mujhe chhod gaye charagara
para para hua pairahan-e-ja
para para hua pairahan-e-ja

kaise ghabaraye huye phirte hai
phirte hai phirte hai phirte hai
phirte hai phirte hai
kaise ghabaraye
kaise ghabaraye huye phirte hai
phirte hai phirte hai phirte hai
phirte hai phirte hai
kaise ghabaraye huye
ghabaraye ghabaraye ghabaraye
ghabaraye huye
kaise ghabaraye huye phirte hai
tere mohtaaz tere dil-gazda
tere mohtaaz tere dil-gazda
para para hua pairahan-e-ja
phir mujhe chhod gaye charagara
para para hua pairahan-e-ja
para para hua pairahan-e-ja
para para hua pairahan-e-ja
para para hua pairahan-e-ja

lyrics of song Paaraa Paaraa Huaa Pairaahan E Jaan

Comments for lyrics of song "Paaraa Paaraa Huaa Pairaahan E Jaan"
Dhotimatic on Wednesday, May 14, 2014
paara paara hua pairaahan-e-jaan
phir mujhe chhod gaye chaaraagaraan
Fragment by fragment,tattered, frayed- the robe of my life,
And the doctor(?) has forsaken me, I’m left all alone
koyi aahat, na ishaara, na sraab
kaisa viraan hai ye, dasht-e-imkaan
Not a sound, neither any clue nor a lead,
How endless/desolate is it, this forest of possibility !
chaar-suu khaaq udaati hai hawa
astaraan, kaabaataraan, reg-e-ravaan
The howling wind scatters dust in all four directions,
Lashing at the slithering sands from every nook and angle in its fury!!
vaqt ke sog mein lamhon ka juluus
jaise ik qaafilaa-e-nauhaa,garaan
In this time of mourning, a funeral march of endless moments
Like a caravan of weeping mourners marching silently!
Marg-e-umeed kay viraan shab-o-roz
Mausam-e-dehar bahar aur na khizaan
As hope breathed its last, despondent night and morn,
Seasons of earth: neither bright spring nor autumn both melancholy!
kaise ghabaraaye huye phirate hain
tere mohataaj tere dil-gazadaan
How haunted, fearful and fretful, trudging along,
Beholden only to thee - heart in misery!

samarjitacharjee on Monday, December 03, 2012
Dheeraj Ji - thanks for such a dignified reply. The last thing I wish for
in my channel is the needless arguments and fights. Thanks again.
'Bhinnashadaj' Ji - (great choice of username!) thanks for putting your
informative thought here. I also did not know this is a Kirvani based
ghazal. Your slightly offensive tone, however, could have been - in my
humble opinion - done away with. :) We all have our likes and dislikes in
music, there is no absolute. No argument would ever find a conclusion.

TheUma2000 on Monday, April 18, 2011
PARA para HUA pairaahan-E-jaan..
phir MUJHAY chhor GEAY chaara GRAAN..

KOI ahet NA ishara NA sraab..
kaisa VIRAAN hai YEH dusht-E-imkaan..

CHAAR soo KHAAK urati HAI hwa..
uzkraan TABA-KRAAN raig-e-RWAAN..

jaisay IK qafila-e-NOHA graan..

MURG-E-umeed K viraan SHUB-o-ROZ..
mousam-E-dehr BAHAR aur NA khizan..

KAISAY ghubra'ay HOAY phirtay HEIN..
teray MOHTAAJ teray DIL zadgaan..

PARA para HUA pairaahan-E-jaan..
phir MUJHAY chhor GEAY chaara GRAAN..

S Qasim Hasan Zaidi on Tuesday, April 19, 2011
@sqhzaidi Another master piece of similar ranking sung by Ghulam Ali is the
ghazal written by Ahmed Nadeem Quasmi, " Shaam ko subhe chaman yaad aaye"
(available on YT), where GA has articulated important words used in the
ghazal in a special way adding beauty, colors and clarity to their meaning.
Great pleasure indeed, listening to it early morning. Thanks Uma for
sharing and thanks@samarjitacharjee for uploading this beautiful ghazal
which has ever been my favorite.

S Qasim Hasan Zaidi on Tuesday, April 19, 2011
@TheUma2000 If I say that this is the best ghazal ever sung by Ghulam Ali,
it may be just right. Look at the great poetry in all couplets and how
gently, accurately, soberly and beautifully GA has rendered each word with
greatest skill, emphasizing the meaning and maintaining the spirit and mood
of all syllables. His skills are at an exciting peak. I think for the
serious music and poetry lovers it is the biggest treat listening to this
ghazal. (cont.)

View all 70 comments related to song Paaraa Paaraa Huaa Pairaahan E Jaan - पारा पारा हुआ पैराहन-ए-जाँ

Singer: Ghulam Ali, Mehdi Hassan

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