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Lyrics of Pyaar Divaanaa Hotaa Hai Mastaanaa Hotaa Hai - प्यार दीवाना होता है मस्ताना होता है
pyar diwana hota hai mastana hota hai
har khushi se har gam se begana hota hai
pyar diwana hota hai mastana hota hai
har khushi se har gam se begana hota hai
shama kahe paravane se pare chala jaa
meri tarah jal jayega yaha nahi aa
shama kahe paravane se pare chala ja
meri tarah jal jayega yaha nahi aa
vo nahi sunta usko jal jana hota hai
har khushi se har gam se begana hota hai
rahe koi sau parado me dare sharam se
nazar aji lakh churaye koi sanam se
rahe koi sau parado me dare sharam se
nazar aji lakh churaye koi sanam se
aa hi jata hai jispe dil aana hota hai
har khushi se har gam se begana hota hai
suno kisi shayar ne ye kaha bahut khub
mana kare duniya lekin mere mahabub
suno kisi shayar ne ye kaha bahut khub
mana kare duniyaa lekin mere mahabub
wo chhalak jata hai jo paimana hota hai
har khushi se har gam se begana hota hai
pyar diwana hota hai mastana hota hai
har khushi se har gam se begana hota hai
Comments for lyrics of song "Pyaar Divaanaa Hotaa Hai Mastaanaa Hotaa Hai"
Maya Majumdar on Monday, November 08, 2010 Listen carefully the Piano seemingly played by today's famous jazz maestro
Luis Banks,somuch care used to take to give the audience the best & today
we get trash. RD & Kishore " TUSSI GREAT HO, RAHOGE HAMESHA" in our
hearts.How many times I've heard of RD's each & every compositions I can't
say. WE've tasted the best in the world of music, anything below standard
,,outright unacceptable to our ears. RD is such a composer that his
presence is felt in every song he composed..
Cassim A on Saturday, May 01, 2010 pyaar dewana hotha ha , mastana hotha ha her khosi se her ghum se beghana
hotha ha shama kehy perwany se paray chala ja meri tarha jal jayee ga yeah
nahi aa wo nahi suntha us ko jal jana hotha ha pyaar dewana hotha ha ,
mastana hotha ha rehy ker koi soo ker domey dary sharm se nazer a je lkah
churaye koi sanm se aa hi jatha ha jis paye dil ana hotha ha sunoo kisi
shyaar keha buth khoowb mana kery dunyiya lakin mery mehboob wo jo paymena
hotha ha chalk jatha ha
SonuKaChela on Monday, August 17, 2009 shamaa kahe parawaane se, pare chalaa jaa meree tarah jal jaayegaa, yahaa
naheen aa wo naheen sunataa, us ko jal jaanaa hotaa hain har khushi se har
gum se begaana hota hai. --> the flame (she) says to the moth (him), stay
away from me, --> you'll burn like me , please don't come close... --> he
doesn't listen, because his destiny is in the flame and his climax is in
burning in the flame (be one one with it). --> Love is above all other
SonuKaChela on Monday, August 17, 2009 rahe koi sau paradon me, dare sharam se najar ajee laakh churaye, koi sanam
se aa hee jaataa hain jis pe, dil aanaa hotaa hain har khushi se har gum se
begaana hota hai --> one may remain behind a hundred curtains, afraid and
shy, --> one may be too bashful to look up into the eyes of her mate to
express oneself, --> but still, the heart seek its mate no matter how many
obstacles get in the way. --> Love is above all other sentiments.//CONTD//
Anand Krishnan on Saturday, September 13, 2008 What an amazing song! And the memories associated with it; I remember
travelling by the local train one day in Mumbai and one passenger was
singing this song, with his friends providing the background music. His
voice was so melodious and for a second I thought that I was listening to
Kishoreda - that was about 18 years ago. It was a brief but unforgettable
experience, which contributes to making this song one of my favorites.