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Lyrics of Rumajhum Rumajhum Chaal Tihaari - रुमझुम रुमझुम चाल तिहारी
tumhri chal jo chale kamani
tumhri chal jo chale kamani
piya man bhave vo gaj damini
tumhri chal jo chale kamani
piya man bhave vo gaj damini
bisrat kahe biraj apno
bisrat kahe biraj apno
yah achraj hai bhari
rumjhum rumjhum rumjhum rumjhum
rumjhum rumjhum chal tihari
kahe bhai matvari rumjhum
Comments for lyrics of song "Rumajhum Rumajhum Chaal Tihaari"
V. Siddhartha on Saturday, January 03, 2009 Wonderful clip. Music may or may not calm an angry elephant as shown
here,but if it's from KLS or the other geniuses that we all enjoy , then
our own frayed nerves certainly find a most comforting balm in it. Thanks
ashish das on Wednesday, December 01, 2010 The Heroine did not forget to take a dig with the taunt that the song would
be appreciated by someone with thick brain. But i would like to narrate a
true event. One geologist while collecting rock samples came very near to a
big elephant. The elephant was sitting in the tall grass and could not be
seen. Elephant stood up, trumpeted and charged. The geologist tried to run
away. But he stumbled upon a rock ,fell down and fainted. The elephant just
came near sniffed at him and went away.