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Lyrics of Shaam Dhalne Lagi - कैसे बतायें तुम को हम
kaise bataye tum ko hum
kaise bataye tum ko hum kitani mohabbat tumse hai
kaise bataye tum ko hum kitani mohabbat tumse hai
pyas ko pani se jitani utani mohabbat tumse hai
hum bhi tumhare pyar me sau bar marne ko raji hai
hum bhi tumhare pyar me sau bar marne ko raji hai
phulo ko jo khushbu se hai utani mohabbat tumse hai
kaise bataye tum ko hum kitani mohabbat tumse hai
gam ke andhere ujale bane hai khushiya bhi chalke aai hai
humne to pyar ke tinko se duniya nai basai hai
jamin pe jitane jarre hai
jamin pe jitane jarre hai utani mohabbat tumse hai
hum bhi tumhare pyar me sau bar marne ko raji hai
ulfat ki rangin kaliya mili baho me aake teri mujhe
jannat ki sari khushiya mili panaho me aake teri mujhe
sagar me jitani bunde hai
sagar me jitani bunde hai utani mohabbat tumse hai
kaise bataye tum ko hum kitani mohabbat tumse hai
duniya se kuch bhi lena nahi hai sab kuch mila hai yha
chalo ab chale hum milke kahi jamin aasman se milti hai jaha taro me jitani hai roshani
taro me jitani hai roshani utani mohabbat tumse hai
kaise bataye tum ko hum kitani mohabbat tumse hai
hum bhi tumhare pyar me sau bar marne ko raji hai
pyas ko pani se jitani utani mohabbat tumse hai
hum bhi tumhare pyar me sau bar marne ko raji hai
phulo ko jo khushbu se hai utani mohabbat tumse hai
kaise bataye tum ko hum kitani mohabbat tumse hai