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Lyrics of Tu Humko Dekh Aur Hamari Nazar Se Dekh - तू हमको देख और हमारी नज़र से देख
tum hamko dekh aur hamari najar se dekh
mithi adaa se pyar se pyari najar se dekh
tum hamko dekho
rangat gulo se chand se ujali si chandani
bulbul se tarane diye koyal se ragini
rangat gulo se chand se ujali si chandani
sab husne dil fareb kiye more ji bani
tum hamko dekho, tum hamko dekho
hum wo nahi ke ho na asar jinki chah me
ye yad rakh ke tu hai hamari rah me
hum wo nahi ke ho na asar jinki chah me
lekin hai ek sart mohabbat ki raho me
tum hamko dekho, tum hamko dekho
phulo se khelna hai baharo se aake mil
milne ki baat hai ye jara muskura ke mil
phulo se khelna hai baharo se aake mil
ae hoshdar hosh ka parda utha ke mil
tum hamko dekho
tum hamko dekho aur hamari najar se dekh
mithi ada se pyar se pyari najar se dekh
tum hamko dekho
Comments for lyrics of song "Tu Humko Dekh Aur Hamari Nazar Se Dekh"
nandu1f on Sunday, September 20, 2015 With a lack of good understanding of Urdu, to me the word "Adaa" meant
"Attractive Style". But, I think Sumita Bhagat has given below a
more technical translation as "actions and postures expressive
of sentiments, gestures and movements exhibiting passion. Also means
"nakhra"... as in 'nakhrewali' ". Makes sense. Thank her for me, since a
"reply" button is not showing at her comment. Once again many thanks to
you for the marvelous song Ramachandra ji.
crazyoldsongs on Saturday, April 06, 2013 you are right sir , this poetry is very difficult to translate and usually
it is difficult to capture the essence of the words in any translation !
this song is so beautifully sung by lata ji that it takes a sublime form
and mesmerises us even if we don't understand its meaning fully ! i will
try to look for a video where the translation is given although i find the
translations very funny at times !
nandu1f on Saturday, April 06, 2013 I was trying hard to remember the lines of this marvelous gem for some
time, in order for my wife to hear it. Finally, the first line popped in my
head and I was able to pull in the song. Although my wife does not know
Hindi she enjoyed the beautiful artistry of the melody-music and Lata's
incomparable singing. I would like to translate it for my wife's sake but
it is not easy to catch its poetry.
crazyoldsongs on Thursday, March 18, 2010 tu hamko dekh aur hamaari nazar se dekh, meethee adaa se,pyaar se, pyaari
nazar se dekh rangat gulon se , chaand se ujalii sii chandni, bulbul SE
taraane liye , koyal SE raaginii SAB HUSN- E- DIL FAREB KIYE MOORTI BANII
hum woh nahin KE ho na asar jinki chaah mein, ye yaad rakh ke tu hai
hamaari nigaah mein lekin hai ek SHART mohabbat ki raah mein mil ne kii
baat hai YE zaraa ,muskuraa ke mil
V. Siddhartha on Sunday, June 28, 2009 I agree with you,kqs92. Indeed, Lataji sings with her wavelike quivers,her
murkiyan. They are what always make her voice so much like divine nectar.
The first time, it was the"ki" like syllable that threw me off. If one
listens to the word in the final stanza repeatedly, the compound does sound
like meethi adaa. I am quite certain now. (And it makes sense,Ramchandraji).