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4.44 - 32 votes
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Lyrics of Tum Ko Ham Dil Me Basa Lenge Tum Aao To Sahi - तुम को हम दिल में बसा लेंगे तुम आओ तो सही

tum ko hum
tum ko hum dil me basa lenge tum aao to sahi
tum ko hum
tum ko hum dil me basaa lenge tum aao to sahi
sari duniya se chhupa lenge tum aao to sahi
tum ko hum

ek wada karo
ek wada karo ab hum se na bichhdoge kabhi
naaz hum saare utha lenge tum aao to sahi
naaz hum saare utha lenge tum aao to sahi

bewafa bhi hai sitamgar bhi jafa pesha bhi
bewafa bhi hai
bewafa bhi hai sitamgar bhi jafa pesha bhi
bewafa bhi hai sitamgar bhi jafa pesha bhi
hum khuda tum ko bana lenge tum aao to sahi
hum khuda tum ko bana lenge tum aao to sahi

raah tariq hai
raah tariq hai aur door hai manzil lekin
dard ki sammne jalaa lenge tum aao to sahi
dard ki sammne jalaa lenge tum aao to sahi
sari duniya se chhupa lenge tum aao to sahi
tum ko hum dil me basaa lenge tum aao to sahi
tum ko hum dil me

lyrics of song Tum Ko Ham Dil Me Basa Lenge Tum Aao To Sahi

Comments for lyrics of song "Tum Ko Ham Dil Me Basa Lenge Tum Aao To Sahi"
Shahraizify on Saturday, July 14, 2012
awesome voice and mind blowing poetry

fca sanjay on Monday, October 01, 2012
Tumko Hum Dil Mein Basa Lenge, Tum Aao To Sahii... Saari Duniyaa Se Chupa
Lenge Tum Aao To Sahii... Ek Waada Karo Ab Humse Na Bichdoge Kabhi... Naaz
Hum Saare Utha Lenge... Tum Aao To Sahii... Bewafa Bhee, Ho Sitamgar Bhee,
Jafa Pesha Bhee... Hum Khuda Tumko Bana Lenge... Tum Aao To Sahii... Raah
Taarikh Hai Aur Dur Hai Manzil Lekin... Dard Ki Shamein Jala Lenge... Tum
Aao To Sahii... Its not your fault if you cant hold back your tears...

AR Zubair on Friday, September 12, 2014

tum ko ham dil me basaa lenge tum aao to sahi
sari duniya se chhupa lenge tum aao to sahi
ek vada karo ab ham se na bichadoge kabhi
naaz ham saare utha lenge tum aao to sahi
bevafa bhi ho sitamagar bhi jafa pesha bhi
ham khuda tum ko bana lenge tum aao to sahi
raah tariq hai aur duur hai manzil lekin
dard ki shamae.n jalaa le.nge tum aao to sahi ♫

V. Siddhartha on Monday, March 01, 2010
Another beloved Chitra treat. I am thrilled especially because another
channel had to remove its copy of this song due to copyright issues. The
way each couplet creates a suspense with an imaginative romantic promise is
in the best poetic traditions of the subcontinent. And I love the bansuri
interludes beyond words. Thanks, Ajay.

Sabir Hasan on Wednesday, November 27, 2013
In my entire life of 65 years I have not heard an artist like Chitra Singh,
she is superb in her voice, sur and taal, pronunciation, feelings. My hats
off for Chitra Singh Ji. Allah aap ko hamesha salamat rakkhey, Ameen.

View all 83 comments related to song Tum Ko Ham Dil Me Basa Lenge Tum Aao To Sahi - तुम को हम दिल में बसा लेंगे तुम आओ तो सही

Singer: Jagjit Singh, Chitra Singh
Lyricist: Tasleem Fazli, Bashir Badr, Shadaab, Waseem Barelvi, Nida Fazli, Saleem Kausar, Muzaffar Warsi, Mumtaz Mirza, Ahmad Faraz

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