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Video(s) of this song are available at YouTube. However, as embedding of these videos is not available, you can't play these videos on our website. You can visit these YouTube links for videos of the song:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RiE6wSAmFEE |
Lyrics of Tum Tum Bhi Aur Tum Tum Nahin - तुम तुम भी और तुम तुम नहीं are not available yet.We will add the lyrics of the song in due course.
Most probably, we have not yet updated the lyrics due to non-availablity of audio or video of the song.
If you have the lyrics for this song or know the source for the lyrics or song, please post them by way of comments in comment box below.
Ishq-e-nadaan |
Film cast: | Mohit Raina, Lara Dutta, Kanwaljit Singh, Neena Gupta, Shriya Pilgaonkar, Suhail Nayyar, Mrinal Dutt, Deepika Amin, Gaurav Sharma, Samvedna Suwalka, Hera Mishra, Jia Narigara, Manmeet Singh, Prince Gupta, Uday Nene, Sudeep Modak, Anshu Varshney, Pankhuri Gidwani, Neha Diwakar, Shreya Shrivastav, Hitesh Dave, Max Scheytt | Singer: | Shaan, Sunidhi Chauhan | Lyricist: | Gunjan Nanda | Music Director: | Raja Narayan Deb | Film Director: | Avishek Ghosh, Jyoti Deshpande, Manisha W. | Film Producer: | Avishek Ghosh |
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