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Comments for lyrics of song "Turnpike"
Smoke Man on Wednesday, December 22, 2010 @mynameandaccount well granted i havent seen all the movies that were made
this year, 127 hours looked very interesting to me and so did the social
network but most of the movies of this year are garbage, prince of persia,
a nightmare on elm street and alice in wonderland just to name a few, but
though there were many good movies as well like kick ass, iron man 2, tron
legacy and of course inception so really i think this year is more of an ok
year for film but 2011 will be better by a landslide
Daniel Goland on Tuesday, December 21, 2010 Don't think it's right to compare this and Filmography,they're way
different.I really enjoyed this video,I loved how you took it to a
different direction,music choice was good,especially the last segment,it
captured alot of emotions and overall this video is way different than I
expected,which is good.Better than Cinema 09? Again,it's different and so
each edit (08,09,10) is great by itself.Cinema 2010 is probably my favorite
right now because it's darker and brings something else to the table.
InTheEnd75 on Tuesday, December 28, 2010 @mustang19ms It's not the parts of those movies, it's what those parts mean
and represent. There is a subject, you just got to watch and pay attention
or even better, watch the movies shown here. As a movie buff myself, I
watched so many movies this year and know so many that seeing this video
shows the memories and things that happened through out the year. Bottom
line is: This video may just be a video with a bunch of movie parts put
together, but to some people, it means something.
awheeeek on Wednesday, December 22, 2010 So it doesn't have an uplifiting ending, but neither does life. There is no
great culminating moment where every problem is resolved, justice is
served, and the good guys live on happily. I think this video has a really
honest and beautiful meaning--life isn't all rainbows and butterflies, and
at the end of this movie, you die. So stop living waiting for some distant,
vague thing you think is waiting for you, because it isn't. Live for today
and all the beauty of the present.
InTheEnd75 on Tuesday, December 21, 2010 This was pretty good, not the best sadly, but I like direction. The music
was great with me and sure I wished it was a bit longer. Just one problem,
IT NEEDS MORE INCEPTION LOL. But the rpoblem was becuase of the year
itself. In honest truth, it was just a boring year. Not a lot of movies to
remeber it by. There were definitly movies that need to be remembered like
Incpetion, Black swan, The social network, Toy story, and a bunch more. But
overll, everything else was blah.