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Lyrics of You Aare My Chicken Fry - यू आर माय चिक्केन फ्राए
i love my chicken fry
i love my fish fry
kabhi na kahena kudiye bye bye bye
kabhi na kahena kudiye bye bye bye
i love my samosa
i love my masala dosa
mai na kahungi mudiya bye bye bye
ha ha ha ha
saraso ka tu saag hai mai makke ki roti
jo bhi tujhako dekhe ho jaye niyat khoti
i love my chocolate
i love my cutlet cut-uh-let
mai na kahungi mudiya bye bye bye
mai na kahungi mudiya bye bye bye
i love my chicken fry
i love my fish fry
kabhi na kehena kudiye bye bye bye
kabhi na kehena kudiye bye bye bye
ha ha ha ha
garma garam puri bhaji mai to ankhe seku
muh me pani aa jata hai jab mai tujhko dekhun
i love my rossogolla
i love my rasmalai
kabhi na kahena kudiye bye bye bye
i love my chicken fry
i love my fish fry
kabhi na kahena kudiye bye bye bye
kabhi na kahena kudiye bye bye bye
Comments for lyrics of song "You Aare My Chicken Fry"
albakhs on Sunday, June 06, 2010 when i was kid, i used to enjoy listening to this music that my sister one day turn off the radio..haha..finally after 11 years, i can listen to it out loud..haha
DokDicer on Tuesday, February 16, 2010 Great song, Great Video...
Reminds me of my youth days when Berlin-based Radiohost Jürgen Kuttner used to play it.
So much nostalgia. And you treat it so good. Thank you. :)
desihero212 on Tuesday, June 02, 2009 THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR POSTING THIS i used to love this song and whenever I sing it during games of antakshari people think i'm making it up haha. Thanks again :)
hardikrathod on Tuesday, May 26, 2009 This is Sooooo Retarded That I loveeeeeeeeeeee it
Nice Job speciually the Daler part and Nsync Bye Bye Bye- I laughed really loud for those parts
yazmin408 on Saturday, January 23, 2010 i love this wideo i even have the lyrics to the song hahaah the food looks wierd except the fish n fry and the samosa