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Comments for lyrics of song "Zero Dubidha"
Amitoj Bhullar on Thursday, March 28, 2013 here is a man who truly loves rock music..although u cannot take the
commercial factor out of it, it seems that his true motivation comes from
his love for music..if u've seen his interviews u can tell that he does not
care about dressing up or giving false impressions on the camera to draw
crowds..finally, india has found a true rock gal di hai menu
Jj on Saturday, May 12, 2012 And I am like cold winter I see you was just putting ur bag in train And
that time I just remembers you in my pocket. ( may be her pic in his
pocket. Actually rabbi lyrics r so philosophic lol)
Jj on Saturday, May 12, 2012 And its possible that we never meet again. And we disappear in crowd or
noises. Please my beloved hear my humble request. Please don't think I
lied. That time my mind was zero doubts.
kawalpreet singh Attli on Tuesday, April 30, 2013 Ae mere wasson bhar ce gayi .. edda ce sooraj nu jiwe uggno rokna Tu paya
ce rang basant da .. Dil mere shook da ce syaal Tu rakhi rahi ce ik bag
train ch .. Mai rakh reha ce tera khyaal jeb ch Te ae ho sakda ke na miliye
fer kade .. Assi jaayie role-dole ch guwach Sun sajna arz nimaani .. Eh na
jhoothi koi khaani .. Uss wele menu ce menu ce ZERO DUBIDHA Ae tere wason
bhar ce gayi .. Ruttan ya preet'an agge jor kisda Mai dita ce naam tufaan
da .. Manyea sada tu jihnu bhaa bolna
Dev Bhullar on Monday, May 28, 2012 Rabbi's songs are incomplete without the lyrics, the lyrics give meaning to
the songs, i try very hard to understand the lyrics but its almost
impossible to do so, everytime I listen to Rabbi's songs, I find something
new, some new lyrics that I understood, so its never the same, i appreciate
your effort for posting the lyrics, thanks