ShafqatHJatoi on Saturday, March 06, 2010 very beautiful upload with clear audio video quality phir kiya chahye,happy
birth day to tauseef, inaam bhai mujhay ab kisi ka intezar nahen hai ,many
thanx for sharing this gift
TUFAIL HEERA on Sunday, September 15, 2013 It is so beautiful, exceptional & unforgettable song of all times. The same
is also holding very charming & very lovely lyrics. Thank you very much for
amazing and RARE upload.
SeaBreezeCenter on Sunday, March 07, 2010 Dear Inam Sahib, you have given the right treatment to this marvellous
song. Thank you very much for this kind service to the music lovers.
mofalam on Tuesday, October 30, 2012 "salma" ejaz and bahar. rasheed attre and melody queen noor jahan. i saw
this movie when i was in ninth class. bahar looks spectacular. thank you
inam sahab we will keep the memories of golden era of pak film industry
tauseefqau on Monday, March 08, 2010 Thanks a lot Inaam bhai.. this is really a great treat..i personally love
this song and by dedicating it to me you ve made it more joyable to
me..thanks a lot for this great upload.(you are so sweet:-) )